Chapter 9

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The next few days were chaos for my poor queen. If she wasn't immortal I swear she would be gray. She often came back to the room over worked. I couldn't help out as much because I was only in the way. Tori would do her usual routine of taking a shower then collapse onto the bed. I'd put in a movie from a few years ago and get her some blood as she drank thirstily. Her back was in constant knots. I rubbed them out and she fell asleep only to repeat the chaos over again.

Kal took me out as I was fitted for my suit. As a knight I also had patrol duties. Kal was my second in command. Since we are "best buddies" around Tori it's our time to beat the shit out of one another. I asked him questions on what it was like back a few decades. Mostly I asked him about Tori, what she was like and that stuff. I wanted to know everything he knew about her. I saw it pained him to talk about her, but he knows I'd do the same. That's when I asked him to be my best man. I saw his silver eyes light up with honor and curiosity. "It's not for me. It's for Tori." I small his small smirk knowing part of that were true. And sadly he was right. I actually cared about him. He would protect my queen if I was gone or ever would fall.

After my patrol, Kal took me to the bar where we drank blood and waited for something interesting. I heard and argument start up between a vamp and a human. Kal and I slowly turned around. I looked over at him, "Okay we have three options. One we let the human lose. Two you stop it. Or three I go and stop it." Kalabar Blake's smile couldn't be anymore venomous. Looks like we were about to watch a fight. I hooted and hollered as the fight continued. Then a dark figure rolled and it ended up being the queen. Her eyes were a poisonous blue that shot your own soul with fear. "What in the blazes is going on here? Jay and Kal break them up and have them ready for punishment in thirty minutes. I'll be in the throne room." Tori left leaving a hint of fear in the air. Kal and I wrestled the two kids and got them ready for their punishment.

I quickly got dressed in my knight outfit. Being the Queen's knight I had to seem cold and evil. My stare should make a human shiver and fear. My look should be stone. I didn't know how Tori could just become emotionless. I walked in with Kal who was dressed in the same sort of way. I held the vamp. This kid had to be only a couple decades old. Poor kid was shaking. I had to snap at him to show I was to be feared. I honestly felt guilty ty about it. Then again there are rules. Show no fear and no weakness.
I took the two kids into the throne room. I had to stop and catch my breath as I looked at my queen. Her eyes hard and cold. There was a tiny hint of compassion in them. Her dress silver and the small crown rested on top of her blonde curly hair. I saw Seki at her side. My eyes flickered to Kal as he had a strong hold on the human boy. Tori slowly stepped up. Her dress was so beautiful. The strapless silver dress seemed to dance at her feet. I could tell she wasn't happy. I saw the stress in her body as her muscles were coiled. "The two fighters step forward and say your names." The one I held stepped forward cautiously like Tori would but his head off which she would.

The boy was only 1500 years of age. His pink hair and multiple piercings seemed to show he was a "tough guy", but I could see through all the lies and the fake act. "My name is Balthazar my queen." He bowed.

The skinny pale human with sunken brown eyes stepped forward. I could tell he did drugs or whatever. "Names Skunk your majesty" I heard the sneer come from his voice. He wasn't afraid. Dumb human he would be. "Respect your queen blood bag." Kal snapped smacking the human with the hilt of his sword. The human fell and coughed hard. I looked harshly at Kal.

"No harm to the prisoners, second." I ordered. I saw his muscles go stiff as he picked up Skunk by his shirt. Skunk trembled in fear as Kalabar seemed to threaten him. Tori was watching pleasantly like she was enjoying this. I finally had enough.

"Kalabar Blake put that human down!" I growled and Kal let the human drop. "Listen Jay, in this society we are the hunters. All this blood bag had to do was say his name. He disrespected our queen." I growled at him in frustration.

"That doesn't mean you kill the prisoner on spot. You took it too far like always." I exclaimed trying to save the blood bag. His silver eyes showed the need to kill. I drew my sword and lunged hoping he would draw his sword or better yet let me slice through him. He dropped the human and lunged at me sword ready.

This was going to be long.

I growled at Kal. He tried to slash me, but I rolled and was behind him. He jumped and
landed behind me. I growled and turned around deflecting his jab. I grabbed his sword hand and he grabbed mine. I spit in his face making him drop back. I closed my eyes to concentrate on the air. I could feel the humidity of the water and the sweat pouring off of Skunk's brow. I pulled the water away from him and flung it at Kalabar. He collapsed and hissed. I saw the little scratch marks heal quickly. I kicked the sword from his hand. My sword at his throat. I scream came from Tori as she flung a hot fireball between us. Her eyes were the lightest I've ever seen them. She seemed to stare into my empty cavity where my soul used to reside. "Enough of this nonsense! The human and vampire can leave. They have seen what punishment could be. But you two. Damnit I could rip you tongues out and feed it to the Nightmares." I shook at the thought. That was not a pleasant image.

"Sorry my queen." I told Tori quickly, her look was stone cold. I could feel my body starting to break a sweat. My heart pounded in my chest. My body felt like it was on fire. The two boys ran out in fear. Kal fell screaming like his arm was burning his skin.
I heard Sophia shout. She calmed Tori and I could breathe again. I saw the place a flaming mess. Somehow Tori made the blood in my system boil. Kal also experienced having his metal arm burn his skin. I panted and looked up where Tori laid unconscious. I ran to her.

"Tori, baby wake up." She wouldn't. Her skin was pale and eyes shut. I watched her lips turn almost white. It was like she was dying. Like she hadn't drank any blood. I knew she did. I watched her drink two whole bags. Kal brought me blood to give her. The moment the red liquid touched her sweet lips, she seemed to have come back to life. I heard her gasp and pant. I pushed her down, "Tori relaxed. You blacked out and you need rest." She tried to argue and fight me about it, but I wouldn't allow it.

She scowled and I picked her up. "Jay put me down! Damnit there's so much to do and so little time. Put me down!" Tori thrashed in my arms and tried to get away. It was no use. "Tori enough!" I yelled and she got quite fast. I watched her pout as I laid her in our bed. She knew she had to stay here. "Listen, Tori, I know something is wrong with you. Why won't you just tell me?" I watched her eyes fill with grief and despair. Whatever this was she didn't want me to know. I sat staring at her waiting. She was going to tell me something.

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