Chapter 11

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I woke up to see her. Not just some girl, but my girl. Her golden blonde hair spread out around her like a halo. She was my angel after all. I looked down her elegant body. I didn't notice my hand was on her stomach, but her hand was on mine so there wasn't much I could do. I looked at the ring on her finger and the one on my hand.

Tori stirred. Her face contorted in fear. Sweat was dripping off her face and body. She wasn't peaceful. I didn't know what to do. Sure Tori had nightmares but she was always awake before I was. I watched her not wake up. Tori shook hard and screamed. Her scream was the most painful sound in the universe. I shook her awake. Tori looked up at me and cried into my chest. I didn't know what to do. She sobbed into my chest. I couldn't make out her words. I heard kill, Phoenix, her, death, and flames. I held my Angel close.

After a few minutes she pulled away from me. "Tori-" I tried to speak, but she was already in the bathroom with the door lock. I knocked on the door with no answer. I could tell she didn't want anyone near her. I walked away and got a glass of blood. Tori soon walked out in a sports bra and sweatpants. Her beautiful hair was in a messy bun. I smiled and tossed her a bottle of blood. She accepted it and drank it. I watched it slowly go down her throat. I walked over to her and looked down at her. I loved that she was a foot shorter. She was so cute.

"Well hello there Angel." I spoke trying to make her smile. I love her smile.

"Hey kid. Why are you staring down at me. It's not very nice." I could see the annoyance  in her eyes. I chuckled at her remark. I snaked my arm around her waist. I heard a little ouff escape from her lips as I pulled her close. I loved having her pressed against me. Looking down at her beautiful face. I saw the spark of blue flames shine in her eyes.I went to kiss her. Tori simply slipped out of my grip leaving me Tori less.

I glared at my wife. "What? Like I am going to let you capture me so easily. Please." She snorted and rolled her eyes. I hated/loved when she does that too me. Always pretending to be a fighter. I knew she was, but she is like an onion that must be peeled a layer at a time. I would use a knife only, I loved trying  to predict her next mood. She is so unpredictable.

I lunged at her. She did a back handspring to avoid my attack. I growled a little pissed that I couldn't catch her. I threw a chair to block her way. Tori jumped over the chair and landed gracefully on the table. I heard her give a small laugh of mockery. This only made me more angry. I split the table in two and watched at the small splinters flew through the air. My Angel did a flip over my head and landed behind me. I heard her tsk and sigh, "oh Jayson, Jayson, Jayson, you are too predictable my dear husband," her eyes turned to slits, "a Nightmare could even predict you."
Fiercely, I grabbed the queen. She wasn't going anywhere. "Look who is predictable now." Tori made a low growl, but the annoyed growl turned into a groan. I had kissed her deeply. I knew my mate well enough to know what can put her in a trance like state. Her eyes glued on mine as I turned on music. It was our wedding song. I pulled her close and swung her around in the room. Tori smiled as her head rested on my shoulder. I held her close scared I would lose her like I have. She looked up at me and smiled brightly.

I kissed her hard and good. My hand was behind her head pressing it to me and my arm around her waist keeping Tori close to me. I could feel her passion like a burning flame. Her love for me. Her scent I noticed was off. It had a milky new smell to it. I'm not complaining at all. My mate always smells the best, but this was new for me. I broke the kiss and immediately Tori's eyes filled with worry. I smiled and placed my hand on her cheek to calm her nerves.

"Jay-" Tori started but I stopped her, "Sorry Angel. I just caught the smell of something that didn't seem right." My eyes darkened, "Tori please be honest with me. Are you feeling ok?" I watched her turn her head. That worried me fast. I wanted to know what is going on with her.

I grabbed her hands and made her look at me. "Victoria as your knight I ask to know what is bothering my queen so much." I cupped her perfect face in my hands, "please Tori."

Tori pulled away from me. "Jayson, I promise you I'm fine. I just changed my shampoo. I didn't mean to set you on alarm." I sighed in relief. I pulled my girl close to me. I can sense something was troubling my mate, but I didn't know what. I just knew I wanted to spend time with her before I had to go back on duty.

Tori adjusted to look up at me. I gently caressed her face with my hand. She sucked in a breath and relaxed against me. I could tell she was ready for a nap. She's needed them recently. I picked my wife up bridal style and carried her away into our room. I went to lay her down, but her hands wouldn't release from my neck. I sat there holding her in my lap. I heard her snore softly. My hand slowly brushed hair out of her face. I traced her cheekbone with my finger. She slightly moved away then relaxed. So peaceful and beautiful. I soon fell asleep holding her close.

We both awoke a few hours later and I smiled and kissed my wife's cheek. She had a slight blush then stretched. I watched her slowly get up and walk to the dresser. She pulled out her black bikini and I realized it was later and dark. Tori was weird, but when it came to water well there was no way to get her out of it. I shook my head to tell her no bathing suit. We were all alone and I hadn't truly seen her beauty in the light. Her eyes widened and nodded. Tori darted off into the bathroom to do her own thing. I knew she would be out soon.

I took off my clothes and walked out into the ocean that's off the back. I waded into the water with a towel neatly laying on a log. Then I saw her. My life. Her cotton white towel was gripped closely to her body. I saw her hair down falling over her shoulders. Tori's gem blue eyes glittered from the reflection of the stars. I felt my breath catch. Her towel slowly dropped onto the log next to mine and I saw her. There was nothing else but her.

Tori cautiously walked out to me. Her arms over her chest as if she was hiding the most important thing in the world. Maybe to a girl it was. I honestly had no idea. I grabbed her hand and lowered her arms so I could see all of my Angel. Her beauty was perfect. The way the half moon shined over her body. I could see her face twisted in fear and insecurity. I pulled her close to me and laid my head on her shoulder. "You're beautiful Tori. You really are." I felt her shiver as I whispered that in her ear. She relaxed and calmed down. I pulled her to face me.

I kissed her. This was my kiss of true devotion to her. She is my life. My world. My angel. My everything. I felt her give me the same kiss of devotion to me. I could tell this was hard for her.

I felt the small battle scars on her skin. That was why she never wanted me to see her naked in the light. It was the scars she is prisoner to on her skin. I did something to calm her nerves about them. I kissed every single one on her back, stomach, and arms. I kissed the scar I gave her on the neck. My love bite.

We swam around for a little bit until it was getting too late for us to stay out longer. I walked out of the ocean and wrapped the towel around my waist. She slipped the towel around her body swiftly. I walked inside and Tori followed, but once inside she got on her pajamas. I smiled and slipped on sleeping shorts. I collapsed on the bed sleepily. She laid next to me and I pulled her body close to mine and I kissed her forehead. I felt her nuzzle into my arm. I heard her drift to sleep. My body couldn't stay up and I fell asleep gripping my wife as the best dream came to me. It was Tori, me, and a little daughter named Selene. This was the dream I had for our future.

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