Part 15- goodbye

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Princess/ Jasmine POV...

I watch as Stella and Flora kept on fighting about helping me pack. The girls were never allow over went my family was home. For the main fact my parents dislike average and normal people. The same could of been say for me but I was under the roof of my older brother for half of my childhood. He thought me to fight to kill also no to mix emotions with business.

The girls were going to see me off to the airport I had been accepted to MI9. I had one more year of high school to go but I was smart for my age. I collected my documents from the office of the school. Some of the teachers give me hugs and I also receive one are two presents.

Everyone was in class but I been given a pass so I could get my school business handle before leaving. To be honest I was going to miss this place. Mary-Kate don't like me she was the most popular girl of the school. She was good at everything also was Cody girlfriend or still is who knows. She got me branded as a nerd from the first day of school. I kept my personal life a secret but my parents give the school huge funds every month. Keep low don't get involved with anyone and I broke the rule the main rule.

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