Part 24- Gone to soon

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Agents rush in the room armed ready for battle. The boss had called in two of the elites since the rest were on missions. Boss she's dead one of the agents told him. She can't be I will not allow one of my elites to be kill so easy he shouted. Call The Doc tell him get here now The Boss say. How can she let her emotions get in the way of a mission he say. Now she is dead agent Mike say she not dead yet well not for long The Boss say and walk away. I want this area clean and I want The Doc in my office before I reach it The Boss shouted. Yes sir the agents shouted and got to work.

The Doc was short for The Doctor he was one of the best Doctors in the world. He had perfected the T -virus other doctors had tried but failed. The T-virus wasn't like any other virus it could bring back the dead make them stronger. It was said to give the patients super human strength. The perfect killing machine, the perfect weapon unbeatable. But that was rumors are was it?  it the true.

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