♣ Goldie X Clyde ♣ Obsessing ♣

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(A/N: Requested by McMac15. I liked this idea so here's the first request... And I haven't done Golyd..? Clydie? In a while.)

Freddy was starting to get worried with Goldie's obsession of a four-year-old life size doll which he had become strangely attached to.

The doll seemed to freak everyone else out as it appeared very real, it was creepy. Goldie had gone to the extent as to take the doll out with him wherever he went, he would talk to the doll as if it were real and tell everyone else the doll’s responses.

Goldie would brush the doll’s hair, cuddle it, cry into it, talk to it and even put makeup on it. The doll was named Clyde.

This didn't only alarm Freddy, no. This alarmed everyone. Anytime that someone would try to get any sense into him, he'd cover their mouths and walk away.

Goldie did not try to hide this, in fact, he did the opposite. He showed this doll off and recently he was in an actual ‘relationship’ with this doll.

There was one thing that Freddy did question: How was the doll and Goldie going to get intimate? None of it added up.

Freddy found it awkward whenever he'd bring the doll anywhere, if he didn't bring the doll, he'd pretend the doll was there. Freddy had guessed he was just lonely and counted it as something that would ‘blow over’...But that's what they said about Freddy...and look what happened.

Bonnie was the most concerned, mainly because it completely terrified him.

Freddy was sitting across from Goldie, Bonnie hugging Freddy's arm, Goldie sat there with the lifeless doll in his arms.

“So...How's things been lately?”, Freddy asked as Bonnie continued to glare at the doll that seemed to stare at him.

“We've been good...Isn't that right, Clyde?”.


“Thats good...Anything happened lately?”

“Not really….We've just decided to stay inside lately,” Goldie explained, Bonnie tugged Freddy's arm after a bit.

“Can I talk to you, Freddy? In private?”, Bonnie asked as Freddy nodded.

“Excuse us.”

The two got up and walked to the kitchen, Bonnie glared at Freddy in the eye, Freddy tilted his head in confusion, “What?”

“He's seriously not mentally stable! Look at him! He's talking to a doll for Christ's sake! I know you love him because he's your brother and all Freddy… But he's seriously not right!”, Bonnie complained, yelling as quietly as possible.

“I'm sure he'll grow out if it! He always had babyish habits...He drank a bottle of milk from a bottle until he was eight, he still sucks his thumb!”

“I thought you was joking when you told me that…”


“That's beside the point!”, Bonnie shook his head, “I'm worried, Freddy. It's been four years. Four! He still has not made a single mark, stain or scratch, plus, there is literally no discolouration on that doll! He must treat it like it's a precious gem!”

“Well he's learning to look after his stuff then, isn't he…? That's g-”

“No, Freddy! It's not good! He's obsessed with a doll and calls it his ‘lover’! You cannot call that normal!”

“Well I'm sure it's just a phase….”, Freddy mumbled.

“Well it scares make! Especially that things eyes!”, Bonnie shivered, remembering the acid green eyes that seemed to make his stomach churn.

“Don't call Clyde and it,” Goldie growled from the door, Freddy watched the two, hoping they wouldn't go to far.

“Goldie. I'm not being funny, okay? But your obsession with that thing is freaking me out,” Bonnie explained, Goldie's expression grew twisted and angry.

“DON’T CALL HIM AN IT!”, Goldie screamed, lunging at Bonnie, grabbing his neck.


“JUST SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!”, Goldie cried as Freddy pulled Goldie away from Bonnie, getting in between the two.

“I'M NOT COMING HERE WHILE...THIS,” Goldie gestures at Bonnie, “IS HERE!”

Goldie hurried out if the kitchen and back to the living room to pick up his doll.

“Goldie...Please…”, Freddy pleaded, Goldie ignored him and just walked out.

Maybe this wasn't so normal.

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