♥️ Red X Clyde ♥️ Other Men ♥️ Part Two ♥️

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Red helped Clyde lay down slowly after helping him inside. Not that he really needed help but it was just something Red would automatically do.

Clyde laid down on the sofa as Red left to get him a cosy blanket so he could relax. Clyde found it quite ironic that the blanket was red itself...but either way, it was a very nice blanket.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me, I doubt I'll be sleeping much tonight anyway."

"What do you mean?", Clyde asked, laying down but tilting his head to see him.

"Got things to work on and it's a lot.."

"I don't mind you working down here...I doubt I'll sleep anyway and I wouldn't mind company, even if you don't speak..", Clyde yawned and curled up, waiting for a response.

"As long as you don't mind," Red left on that to go get the work and his laptop.

Clyde waited patiently and cuddled into the blankets and wriggled his toes, enjoying the heat. He watched Red walk back downstairs with his hair in its naturally fluffy state.

Red set his stuff on the coffee table and glanced over at Clyde, "I'm going to get a drink, want anything?"

Clyde shook his head and declined politely, "I'm okay, thanks.."

Red nodded and exited to the kitchen. Clyde yawned and hugged the blankets as he listened to the rain which was quite blissful giving the current situation.

In the background, Clyde could hear Red on the phone. He didn't want to listen but it was so quiet that he could hear one or two words such as 'problem' and 'Capisce'. It was spoken within a calm yet threatening tone which Clyde had never heard until he had met Red.

Clyde thought it was probably just Red talking with Freddy or something and shrugged it off. Red came back in with a cup of coffee and sipped it.

Clyde acted as if he didn't hear a thing and gazed at Red sleepily. Red glanced at him and smiled and then returned to a neutral face once his eyes hit the blaze of the laptop's light.

To be fair, Red wasn't intimidating or scary whenever Clyde was around, despite the height difference. Clyde was used to being small by now. Still, Red could easily look quite different and change his voice and expression to show his mood quite well.

Most the time, Clyde had heard things about him being quite a calm person or angry. Clyde had guessed the angry rumour had arose from the way Red would sometimes show an intimidating expression which would frighten most due to his height.

Inside, Clyde knew he was just a cute, cuddly bear. Literally. It was sweet and he really could show passion whenever he wanted to, in the right moments as well.

Red had always been someone that Clyde had no problem in finding an attraction too but that made it all the worse. It was harder to express real feelings when the only thing Clyde could do was act fake ones. Problem was; Clyde had done this so many times that he started to lose his own mind and forgot who he really wanted to be with instead.

Clyde watched Red and smiled, he honestly didn't know where he would be without the other. He really didn't.

Clyde mumbled something incoherent and with that, he fell asleep.


Clyde was curled up on Red's sofa, he was staying there for the week after the whole boyfriend scenario.

The younger was resting on the others shoulder, watching the TV with him.

"Do you think he's going to tell his friends he...You know...", Clyde mumbled, Red shot his eyes to the male and gave him a serious expression.

"He won't," Red replied simply, Clyde averted his eyes from the other.

"How can you be sure?", Clyde asked quietly, Red chuckled and stroked his hair.

"Trust me, he won't," Red reassured him. Clyde nodded and stared at the TV.

The make was hit with a wave of shock, followed by confusion. The news was on, not only that but Clyde's dirty ex was too.

He was reported as dead.

He heard the news talk about being run over by a car and not only that, with all his thumbs and fingered cut off...apart from the index finger.

Clyde couldn't admit he felt joyed, after all, someone had died here! But Clyde couldn't say he wasn't relieved knowing that he wouldn't harass him any longer...It was still a bit extreme...

Red shrugged and sat up, "Much better."

(A/N: Red is kinda yandere tbh. Bye.)

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