◈ Freddy X Bonnie ◈ So Close ◈

324 13 14

(Requested by PinkBlossomTAG )

"I'm so sorry," Bonnie whimpered, hugging Freddy tightly as he shook in his hands. He couldn't believe that he was so close to losing Freddy, it was terrifying.

The two were now just hugging in Freddy's room, shaking heavily, It was hard to think about what all just happened.

Bonnie was just simply downstairs, glancing into the fridge until he'd heard the sounds of choking upstairs. Terrified, Bonnie ran upstairs, finding Freddy hanging from a short rope.

Bonnie ran and jumped around the room, eventually finding the scissors and cutting him down in time, "Freddy?!", Bonnie called out in horror, staring at his boyfriend dropping to the floor.

"Freddy!", Bonnie called again, hating the fact that he was literally about to let his boyfriend die. Freddy's eyes were half lidded, dull and they appeared to be sore.

Poor thing had only slept an hour within the past two weeks, how was he meant to think straight?

"I should've never left!", Bonnie sniffled, starting cry to the sight of his boyfriend practically dying.

"Bon...", Freddy whoopers in a husky tone, making Bonnie's eyes open with happiness and he hugged his arm.

"F-Freddy!", Bonnie cried out, wiping his big, salty tears from his red eyes.

"I-I'm...Sorry...", Freddy breathed out, his face looking worn out and his eyes carried humongous bags under them. His lips were a desert, dry and dead, not to mention his hair that no longer appeared well nourished. 

Bonnie was scared, what did that mean? He thought of it, making it shake his brain until he felt dead.

"W-What?! Don't die! C-C'mon! Stay awake, I'll call an a-ambulance!", Bonnie sniffled , grabbing his phone eagerly to have it pushed back down by Freddy's weak hands.

"I-I'm okay...", Freddy coughed, "J-Just...Need air..."

Bonnie glanced at the phone and back at Freddy. Sure, he should've called an ambulance but...no...Just...Not now. It wasn't right. He was okay.

"Air...O-Okay!", Bonnie jumped up and opened a window. Of course he'd do it for the only man he made him have self worth or any self confidence.

Freddy laid there, his glassy eyes dull and lacking colour. He was breathing well and that made Bonnie a little happy, "I'm sorry," Freddy whispered, wanting to sit up but not having as much strength as he'd like.

"For...? Y-you aren't leaving...", Bonnie choked, "R-ri-right...?"

"Of course not...", Freddy sighed, "I-I couldn't think...straight..."

And that's when he hugged Bonnie, finally finding strength at last. It was the most meaningful hug in a long time. Bonnie hugged back eager and gratefully.

"I love you, Freddy...I-I promise...", Bonnie told him, tears still dripping slowly.

"I love you too," Freddy sniffled, "I didn't mean to- I-I just-", Freddy sighed, giving up for a little but then resumed speaking, "I was stupid..."

"No, no! I shouldn't have left! I was just...Hungry," Bonnie sighed, "but not if it costs your life..."

"Awe baby, no...", Freddy gulped, feeling awful. He shouldn't have done it.

"Hm...?", Bonnie glanced at Freddy who was staring at him weakly.

"Let's go get food," Freddie mumbled, trying to stand. Bonnie pulled him back down and kissed his leg lovingly, making Freddy calmer.

"Let's get you to sleep," Bonnie smiled.

"But I-"

"I got you some stuff off Spring...it's meant to help...at least that's what he said...", Bonnie mumbled, pulling out a transparent packet of pills.

Freddy's eyes lit up, "seriously? Is that what I think it is?"

"I dunno, Spring said it was a gift or something..."

"I need, please," Freddy begged, gulping two of them down, getting up and laying in the bed, "i'd offer you one but you're too clean..."

"I want you to be happy, that's all...", Bonnie smiled, hugging Freddy's chest and waist.


He was already flat out asleep.

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