Part 6

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"(u/n)" I said her name as I know her.
"excuse me? Did I know you?" heard her said that make me hurt.
"ah, nein. I'm just mistaken you with my former girlfriend. She looks like you."
"Oh, I see. by the way I'm (2nd name)"
"ah, I'm Ludwig. By the way we're met in your engagement party, right?"
" oh yes, you are from mr. Beilschmidht from German's company. I'm sorry not to recognize you, well these day I easily forget anyone. Maybe I begin to be a grandma." Said her with little chuckle. Oh what I miss so much that chuckle, what I remember is only her who can chuckle sweet like that. We continue we're out of the market, and I about to my car, but I see her waiting.
"Are you waiting someone Frau?"
"ah, no. I'm waiting for bus or taxi." Since it's so late I ask her to let me drive her home. Then here I'm driving her home.
"So are you not driving?" I ask her.
"well, actually I'm driving, but my parent and Fiancé forbid me to do, since I have some headache, that's sometimes come up suddenly." Hearing her words made me more curious, hoping that It's her so I ask her.
"If I may now, are you having some vertigo?"
"No, but what I remember I had an accident, or that what was told by the doctor. They told me I had a car accident and I'm in critical condition and they told me I've lost some memories. I don't know if It's permanently or not, but they told me that I'll have some headache for temporary until my head healed totally. I don't even remember when I dating with (random name), but they told me that I was engaged with him. Sometimes I feel like he is not someone that I love. So I want to know the truth." Suddenly I stop my car and look at her with unbelievable feeling. Wondering if it's her, mein Liebe.
"why we're stopping?"
"I'm sorry Frau, I was just surprised that you having some story that seems like my Frau. It's just make me remember her."
Then (2nd name) asked me about (u/n). I mustn't be so opened like I know her, but somewhat in my heart I believe it's her.
"I'm sorry but it's to late. We must hurry. Maybe I'll tell you another day."
"Oh you right It's late. I have to hurry. He'll angry if I late. Geez... He's so scary if his angry..."
-skip to (2nd name)'s house with bamboo helicopter (ノ*゚ー゚)ノ-
"Here we are, well nice to meet you mr. Beilschmidht."
"you can call me Ludwig"
"Well here's my number, I feel like I can trust you, and I kind of interest with your story about (u/n). Can we meet somewhere?" I see her with serious expression like she's wondering if I'm someone her love. I hope she remember that we're belong together. So I tell her to meet me at 10 am in Earl cafe, near her house. Then we're saying goodbye, and I'm driving away to home.

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