Part 7

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That night, Quattro was sitting at the same place of the previous night. Angelo was dancing on the podium and Garma was cuddling with the boss on his reserved sofa. Banagher was looking angrily at the blonde man, who was glaring at Kamille.

-I must go- he said, hugging Banagher.

-I don't want you to!- cried his friend

-I must. Don't worry- said Kamille to calm him.

The boy walked by the blonde man's seat, tried to smile and sat near him.

-Hi! It seems you are really keeping your promise- greeted him Quattro, wrapping an arm around him.

-I don't cheat. Now tell me what I have to do, fastly-

-No no, wait a moment. I know you are clever and astute. You told me you would have done everything I wanted, without talking about prices. So, as I'm out of money, you will just stay here near me, for tonight- explained Quattro.

Kamille felt strange for a moment. If Quattro doesn't get a proper pay at work, he will just ask Kamille to stay near him, but if Frontal would have seen that, Kamille would have had to give him the money for the service he hadn't done. On the other hand, the only way for Quattro to get more money for doing love with Kamille, was changing job, implying Kamille's dad failure. That was really a big problem for Kamille. In both cases, he wouldn't have enough money to pay the boss.

-Wait, you know what? You are a clever fox too! Damn you, you are tying to joke me again. But I swear, you won't be able to make me fall!- said quietly Kamille

-I don't know what you are talking about. Anyway don't worry about the money. I already have a solution-

Kamille was worried. He hoped everything will have been fixed sooner.

Suddenly, Full Frontal stood up from his sofa and walked by, going to Kamille's place.

-Good evening sir, I see you have already befriended Kamille! He is a very good boy...- said the man petting the boy's head.

Kamille blushed. That was one of the last things he wanted to happen.

-Oh yes. He's really cute.- Quattro smiled him back.

Only in that moment, when the two men were watching one the other, Kamille noticed how similar they were. Talking about physical appearance, of course, and when Quattro flipped his hand trough his quite long, wavy blonde hair, Kamille started. That man had a scar in the same place, near the right eyebrow, just like Full Frontal did. Who was him? Surely the boss had noticed it too.

Kamille stared at the scars. They were really identical.

-Enjoy your stay- said the boss at the end, returning to his sofa.

-Is that your boss?- asked the man to Kamille

-Yes. And I'm proud of him.- he said, but actually he was confused. The men were completely the same, only one had shorter hair. He found himself thinking that maybe, Frontal would have been hotter with short hair. Blasphemy! Why should he have had to transform his handsome boss in a lousy man like that customer?

But as no one seemed to really notice the same appearance of the two men, Kamille just shut.

-Why so silent, suddenly?- said Quattro leaning his lips to the boy's ear.

-Remember that anything I'll do it won't be free-

Quattro smiled and petted Kamille's head.

-Can I pet you, or will you make me pay even your beautiful sight?-

Kamille blushed. Why even? He asked to himself. He's only a customer, maybe only more naughty than others.

-Don't worry. I promise I won't hurt you. If you promise me back a thing-

Kamille looked at him surprised.

-Remember that I do nothing for free!-

-I know. I don't care. Just promise me, you will never be afraid of me. That's one of things I hate most- said the man looking deeply at Kamille's eyes

Kamille swallowed. This was even more creepy.

-Why should I be afraid of you? Do you want to use me for some dark ritual?-

The man looked at him puzzled

-What? No! But how... aren't you boys scared by older men? I only wanted to tell you I would have been your friend, but as it could sound creepy...-

-Trust me, it would have anyway sounded creepy. What's your problem? We are used at older men, we're not scared. As long as our boss will protect us, we will be safe.- pouted the boy.

-You trust too much your boss. You won't be able to walk with your legs.-

Kamille started hating that man. He kept talking too much, but still he had him in the palm of his hand.

-You know nothing-

-What a hard-headed! Think as you want, but remember: one day your boss will make a choice, and maybe you won't be part of that. I talk by experience. My boss preferred illegal activity to get more money, instead of helping people like me.-

Kamille knew he wasn't right. The sound of the man's voice kept playing in his head in a disturbing and annoying melody.

Banagher looked at Kamille and saw him upset, shook almost in tears. What was that evil man doing to his loved friend? He stood up and walked there, then sat near Kamille.

-Hi sir! Awesome night, tonight, eh? Kamille, hug me, come on. I know some customers like us boys doing dirty things to each other.-

Quattro looked at that brown haired naughty boy

-I'm sorry, I'm not that kind of customer- he smiled

Banagher had to hide his terrible anger and jealousy. Then he started. He was acting totally as Angelo acted with him! He felt so embarrassed. Now he could understand how poor Angelo felt when the boss was so into him.

-Don't worry Banagher I'm ok... are you too?- asked Kamille noticing Banagher's strange face

Banagher looked at him and nodded.

-You are cute boys, really. - said Quattro smiling -but unluckily I must go. It's too late.-

The boys looked weirdly at him. They had never heard those words in the club. Anyway, they greeted the man, who petted Kamille a last time, then he went away.

-Late?- asked Banagher.

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