Part 15

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Weeks passed silently. One night the boss seemed more agitated than usual, even if Angelo was there cuddling with him.

-What's the problem?- asked Garma

-Tonight I've heard a very important person will come. I'm a bit afraid for our light wallet.-

-Don't worry boss! Kamille and I will dance together and we will gain a lot of money!- said happily Banagher.

-Aww, you are so cute.- said the boss petting him.

The boys went on the podium and started dancing.

Meanwhile, Quattro entered and went taking a drink at the bar. Kamille saw him and became sexier to be noticed. The blonde man noticed him and blinked, but unluckily for him, he wasn't the only at having noticed him. One of Quattro's co-worker was there... with Kamille's dad!

As soon as Quattro saw him, he hid among the crowd.

-Ehy boss look! That girl really look like that woman you got pregnant a lifetime ago! Ahahah- laughed the man, high of alcohol

-Shut up idiot! ... yes it's very similar!- the man walked nearer to the stage to look at that beautiful dancing body.

When Kamille saw him, he became pale. He was clearly offering him money, but the boy hadn't the courage of taking it. Banagher pushed him in order to wake him up and take the money.

Kamille stretched his arm and got nearer to the man who was his father.

-Ehy hey, cutie, would you like to spend the night with me?- he asked all sensual.

Kamille white face suddenly became red.

-L-let me finish the dance first...- he actually would have preferred dancing until the end of the universe instead that being fucked by his own father. But when the man had heard his boyish voice, he stepped back.

-Y-you are a boy?! How awful!-

Kamille felt offended. He would have liked to let him know how much Quattro was happy after his service. Well, maybe that wasn't the right example.

Banagher looked at the man, surprised.

-What's the problem with you?- asked shyly

-What's the problem? I'm not protecting a gay night club! I want to see your boss immediately.-

Frontal appeared behind him like a ghost. He was much taller.

-Is there any problem here?-

Kamille's dad looked at him.

-You must be Full Frontal! Well, I'm not using my precious police to protect such a disgusting place. If you don't make real girls dance, this place will close!-

Frontal stared at him.

-This place is always full of men which pay a lot. Are you sure you want to loose all this precious money?- he asked

-....much money? Really?- asked the man.


He stood up thinking a lot about it.

-Then, if it's true that you earn so much, let me have the 40% of it.-

-What?! The 40%! I already give the 10% to the police- didn't tell me this was a gay place. I personally hate homos. I don't want to offend, but I find them disgusting.-

They were talking right next to the stage and Kamille heard everything. He suddenly become dark in face. Quattro saw him and understood he was about to doing something stupid.

-Disgusting... you know who is disgusting? My dad. Because he left my mom in hospital and me in orphanage. Never gave me a proper childhood and let me do this job increasing corruption. This is why I hate him!-

-What is this slut talking about? You should cut off their tongue, Frontal.- replied his "dad".

Quattro got nearer always hiding to be unseen.

Frontal started.

-What did you just say?- with an only sight, he made the man tremble.

-These are my boys, don't you dare comparing them with your hoes!- he said.

-I-I'm sorry, I didn't think you were..- tried to reply Kamille's dad.

-I am what? If you keep behaving such rudely with me and my boys, I'll have no choice than kicking you out of here!... or worse- Frontal became very angry.

Kamille and Banagher stopped dancing to hear their boss words. They felt proud of having so a protective boss, especially Kamille who got doubts about his loyalty. Quattro walked silently near the stage, and without being noticed by the bosses, he called Kamille.

-Ehy! You ok?- he asked.

-Yes thanks. My dad started insulting us and our club so my boss shut him up and threatened him. See? Our boss loves us and protects us.-

-Oh by the way, about loving you, I earned some money today too. As I don't need it, if you want, we can pretend we spent the night together.- said Quattro, blinking.

Kamille blushed. He know Banagher could have heard that all, so he got off the podium and walked with him in a hidden place behind the stage. are very gentle. Have you heard what my dad said? He is a fucking homophobic and wants us to give him even more money. It seems somehow, even if we didn't met, I would have anyway met him...- said the boy.

-But isn't it a luck we met? Now that you have a normal job too...-Quattro caressed his cheek.

Kamille blushed even more. He was suddenly all cute, like a little cat. He knew his behavior was changing thanks to Quattro. The man, too, didn't do weird and impulsive actions anymore.

Meanwhile, Kamille's dad was sweating cold. He was actually more powerful, but still Frontal was scarier. He was able to kill, after all, and wasn't afraid of doing it. At the end, Frontal told him his rules and even obtained less bill to pay to the man.

Garma, looking for Kamille, found him behind the stage kissing Quattro. When they noticed him, they blushed and tried to explain.

-Kamille! I always catch you in situations you shouldn't be in!-

-Please Garma, don't say anything anyone!- prayed him Kamille.

-Ok...but you promise me you'll buy me a new fur! I have right seen one beautiful, and I really like it...-

-Surely! Don't worry I'll buy it. Now help me getting Quattro out without let the boss see him.-

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