Part 13

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Meanwhile Quattro was working at PC in his working place. One of his co-worker walked by him and joked.

-Hi Quattro! Have you started enjoying the night, eh? I noticed it! Look at those dark circles under your eyes, hehe. Naughty man!- he said patting his shoulder with a hand.

-What are you talking about?- asked innocently the blonde man.

-Do you remember that brat who worked here some time ago, then got fired? Well, as we became friends... we kept the contact, and he told me he saw you nearby a new night club.- whispered the man. -but don't worry, it's normal. You won't surely get fired for this. Oh! I even heard the boss would have liked to go there, ahah.- he finished and walked away.

After having heard that, Quattro decided to quit work sooner than usual to go meeting Kamille.

He firstly stopped at the supermarket to buy something sweet for his loved boy, but when he was about to go in the cupcake shop, he saw him walking to the shoes shop.

He changed his direction and walked fastly to catch him.

-Kamille!!- he said quite loudly.

The boy turned, surprised.

-Q-Quattro?! What are you doing here?- he asked.

-I was missing you, but I was also going to buy some cupcakes for you.-

Kamille blushed and looked down.

-Thanks. But you should look for me only at night.- replied the boy

-What..? Don't talk like this... you know what? I changed my mind again.-

-Stop it! I'm already confused enough!- said Kamille

-You are free to decide, I'll only tell you a last thing.-

Kamille stared at him. Quattro walked to a bench and called him to follow him. Once sat, Quattro started talking.

-I've decided to break our deal. I won't extort you, because I realized I love you too much. If you want to accept that bakery work, or if you don't want, it's the same.-

Kamille stopped him.

-Why are you telling me this? Please, no. I'm confused. If you want to know... well... I feel something for you too. But I can't tell if it's love. So stop changing your mind!!-

Quattro looked at him. That poor boy was like a big brioche into his bomber jacket. The season wasn't cold but the last storms freshened the climate. And that day it would have probably rained again. He leaned to Kamille and hugged him.

-Sorry. It has always been my fault. I didn't want to get you lost your mind.-

Kamille hugged him back.

-I...can't understand you. You have weird ways to show your love.-

-By the way... I have some information that could interest you. This morning I have been at the club and asked some things to that Frontal guy. He really seems to care about you boys. I couldn't understand only a thing. I asked him if he loved you-

-And what did he say?- asked Kamille

-That's the point. He didn't answer me. I know how much you love him. But open your eyes. I don't want you to hate me so I'll shut up. But please, be careful.-

Kamille looked at him.

-He didn't reply?-


Kamille felt lost. That couldn't be! His boss... loved them all! What did that mean? can't be!-

-I know. Well I wanted to tell you this. Then you'll decide where you'll stay. I understood trying to change your life was bad, so I won't interfere anymore.-

Quattro was getting up to go away.

-Wait!- Kamille grabbed his hand.

-I agree with you about not changing my life... but... maybe... I'd like to try.... that bakery job. And maybe, the only way to understand my feelings for you is hanging out....- said shyly the boy.

Quattro looked at him and blushed.

-R-really?- he said surprised

-...well... in the only time we had sex... I have to admit that you have been the gentlest I have ever had sex with.-

-Oh... thanks... (if that was a compliment...). Well... if you want, I'll give you pleasure again, whenever you want.- Quattro smiled and leaned his head to Kamille's. He smelled his soft blue hair and hugged him. Kamille hugged him back. He opened his coat and sneaked in.

-What are you doing?- asked the man, surprised

-I'm cold and you are warm.- 

A demon in HeavenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora