Part 18

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Banagher knew Kamille had been out with that man.

-You should stop this.- he said

-Oh Banagher.... he pays me a lot.- Kamille lied. He didn't want anyone to know he fell in love with a customer.

Garma was dancing on his rock music as usual, Angelo walked near Kamille

-The boss wants to talk with you.-

Kamille started. Did he discover everything? Just act normal, he kept thinking.

He went to the boss sofa and sat near him.

-My boy- he said -I really thank you for all the money you brought me. But, as I obtained a smaller bill to pay, I'll let you keep a bigger percent. Take it like a present for your loyalty.- Frontal petted him. Kamille felt so bad in that moment. The money he was used to gave him, wasn't surely owned by those dirty men which attended the club.

Frontal asked him and Banagher to take some drinks and to bring one at him too.

They went to the bar, ordered some alcoholics and had a chat with the girls who prepared those sweet drinks.

A tall, clearly jerk man leaned to Kamille, with his fifth glass of beer still in the hand.

-Ehy ehy! What will you do me tonight?-

Banagher looked at him. What was that? In this part of the city everyone wanted to play with his Kamille.

-Mr. Messa! How long, where have you been?- asked Kamille to cover his back.

-Where? Where... prison of course! Naughty boy, hehehe- the man was so high he couldn't stand on his own legs and had to be helped by Kamille.

-I have money now! And I really like you to have it.- said him with a pervert voice.

-Kamille... the boss asked for his drink... we have to go.- Banagher pulled his arm.

-Banagher! I can't... there's a customer here, you know! Tell the boss.- said Kamille.

Banagher brought the drink to the boss, and when he asked about Kamille, the boy said he was busy working.

-Sooo where can we go to play tonight?- asked the man.

-Wait, you are too drunk!- Kamille didn't really want to give his service to that annoying man.

-What! It had never been a problem for you! Come on, don't make me angry.-

Kamille was quite worried. After he fell in love with that Quattro, he hadn't been good at that job anymore, and his friends knew it. Garma noticed him trying to stop the man who was touching him, so as he finished his show, he walked near him.

-Good evening sir Messa! It has been long time, hadn't it?- said Garma

-Yes yes! Oh boy, your hair are still purple! I met a nice guy in prison with purple hair. It's thank to him if I'm free!- the man suddenly become all happy. -Scirocco! Come here!- he screamed to make a tall, handsome man walk near them.

-See? Purple hair like you! Ahah- mr. Messa was still leaning on Kamille to stand up.

-Ooh, nice.- said the other man looking at Garma. -Thanks to having showed me this place, Jerid, it's full of cute boys, really!-

Garma blinked at him

-Oh you so nice! And very handsome... - Garma leaned to him and rubbed his hands on the man's chest.

-See? Your friend still seducing, Kamille! What happened to you?- asked Jerid

Scirocco was looking at the blue-haired boy, malicious. Kamille met his sight and trembled.

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