1- Your Mom's a Hoe

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Chapter 1: Your Mom's a Hoe

"This so-called plan of yours is not gonna work honey."

My Cheshire grin immediately died, once my best friend crushed my dreams without caring. With my chin held high, I took the mini plan of mine that I decorated with arts and crafts back.

"Jokes on you. I already started phase one." I blew her a raspberry. My curly friend, face palmed herself clearly disappointed in me.  Phase one, consisted of filling his locker with anonymous love letters.

Not creepy at all.

"Madds, why are you this stupid?" She asked dramatically shaking my shoulders.

"Why are you this negative?" I retorted.

My mixed best friend since middle school sighed,"I just don't want you getting heart broken. . . Again."

"You don't have to worry Keekee, because that's not going to happen." She gave me a sympathetic smile, before grabbing me for a tight hug. Her fluffy curls, being on my face now.

"If that fucker ever makes you cry, tell me as soon as possible. So I can contact this friend of mine-"

"I love you too, hoe." I cut her in, chuckling whilst hugging back.

While everyone has their own best friend, I have a Keekee. Which is so much better.

The bell rang cutting our hug. We did our small handshake we invented from eight grade, doing a pinky promise, twisting it in opposite directions before slapping each other's butts.

"Bye betch, see you at lunch!" She shouted back, not caring about the incredulous looks she received. I waved.

A second had passed of me contemplating if I wanted to skip school, or not. But then, lightbulb! Lorenzo should be opening his locker go get his books any minute now, meaning letters. Oh my God, I squealed like a total lunatic to myself. Before dashing to the directions of his locker.

I stood next to the row of lockers that were across Lorenzo's, making me have a nice view of his behind. Letting out a dreamy sigh, as my eyes roamed from his red soft-looking hair, slouched posture, and casual outfit that made him so beautiful.

But something interrupted my eye-raping session, I got smacked with a locker that had just been open beside me. I yelped.

From the deep sound of his laughter that bellowed, the culprit that did this was a dude. When I glanced up, he didn't look familiar at all. Tall as frick. Shaggy black hair. Some retro camera dangling from his neck, while he held unto his backpack. His warm chestnut eyes, glanced at Lorenzo who was oblivious to what happened a minute ago and then to me. For some reason, that made him laugh even more.

"You're a petty excuse of a stalker."

"Gee, thanks," Sarcasm dripped from my tongue, as I massaged my now bruised forehead. "Wait, I-I'm not stalking. What are you talking about?"

"Don't lie, that's my thing." Damn, that was deep. He didn't even wait for my response, or bothered to know my name. The next thing I know, before leaving he slammed his locker as loud as he can now capturing Lorenzo's attention. Great.

Woah, I'm already ten minutes late to class. New high score.

"Heyyy," I smiled sheepishly at Lorenzo, who who hadn't noticed had me under his spell with those emerald eyes of his.

He gave me a half smile, nodding. Then he chuckled to himself.

Intrigued, I wanted to know. "What?"

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