24 | Pure Agony [Pt. 2]

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P u r e    A g o n y   [Part Two]

THIS WAS AGONY. Adele ran but she just didn't seem to move quick enough as Paul's broken form crashed to the ground His cries suffocated her, drowning her in that bottomless ocean of feae she was thriving in only hours ago. He was the one dying, but she was drowning again in the bottomless ocean. She was going to lose everything and ahe couldn't do that again. She'd rather sink and hit rock bottom and never come up for air again... She'd rather die.

Her screams cut through the air like a knife and Carlisle froze as he realized where he had heard those screams before. They were almost identical to that of her lamentations when Jace was slaughtered.


She skidded to her knees next to his fallen figure as he heaved and gritted his teeth to keep from screaming. He wrapped his arms around his broken form as Carlisle, Bella, and Edward raced to Jacob.

"You idiots!" Leah snarled as she ran out from behind a tree. "I had him!"

"Leah!" Sam chided her with a berating look as he knelt over Paul.

"PAUL! LOOK AT ME!" Adele's voice ran hoarse as he cried out. Sam looked between them with a surprised expression on his face -- he didn't think someone of her kind could ever care for one of his. "PAUL!"

With great effort, Paul opened his eyes and squinted up at her. Her eyes shone with tears and that in itself was a miracle. She placed her hands gentlt on either side of his face and her icy touch against his hot skin was slightly comforting.

Carlisle moved from Jacob to Paul and examined him with caution. Adele's emotional anguish was enough to bring his to his knees. "I need to set their bones before their accelerated hearing kicks in -- it's already starting."

"We have to get them out of here before the Volturi arrive." said Edward, who looked more concerned for Paul than Jacob. "We won't win a fight with them--"

"--FUCKING TRY ME!" Adele hissed. Paul would have smiled had the circumstances been different.

"Go." Carlisle nodded and gestured to Adele as Jasper inched towards her. "We will be there as soon as we can."

Sam nodded. "We'll bring him to Billy's."

Bella's voice wavered as he bit back a pained moan. "Hang on, Jake."

Jasper gentlt pulled Adele away and held her back as the rest of the pack picked Paul and Jacob up. The men cried out at the movements and Adele shur her eyes, going still in Jasper's arms as she tried to shut her emotions down. She could not look weak or vulnerable in front of her worst enemies, not when her the fate of her coven was still on the line.

"They're here." Alice murmured. Jasper released Adele and she lingered in that spot for only a moment, before opening her eyes. He could feel her suppress all of her emotions and shivered because it shouldn't have been that easy. She shoulsnt have so much experience.

Her golden eyes were cold and murderous as she stepped up beside Carlisle at the head of the group. The others instinctively converged around Bella as the small clan of the chosen Volturi Guard emerged from the depths of the forest opposite them. Felix and Demetri, the infamous partners in crime, and twins Alec and Jane, sped towards them gracefully. To Bella's human eyes, they looked as though they were gliding gracefully over the grassy plain. Even knowing the evils they were capable of, she vouldnt help but watch with awe -- and envy.

The four vampires paused in their step a few feet from the Cullens and they absorbed the scene around them.  There were three smoldering heaps of broken porcelain limbs and heads and all were set ablaze. The putrid smoke traveling on the frosty wind made Bella's stomach churn.

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