33 | The Wedding

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Breaking Dawn  [Pt.1]
T h e   W e d d i n g

MARRIAGE IS A special bond between two people who love each other so much that they want to share their love with everyone around them. It's about love, promises, and commitment. It's not about the elegance of the ceremony or the formalities - though those are bonuses. Carlisle came to understand the meaning of marriage many years ago from someone very special to him. Adele. She never married in her many years of life, yet she understood the true meaning of the ceremony and she taught Carlisle. He would never forget what she said to him on the very day he was marry Esme - the first time he truly opened his heart to someone after Rosaline.

It was a warm spring day in 1932, a few years after Carlisle and Esme first met. They wished to marry and spend all of their days together, no matter what would happen in the future. On that spring day, the sun beamed down on a small, blooming valley and Carlisle Cullen and his bride were readying themselves for their wedding taking place in only a few moments time.

Carlisle was dressed in the best sleek-black suit money could buu. Due to the traditional superstitious taboo, Esme was readying herself a few doors down from her groom so he would not see her until the ceremony. As his best man, Edward helped Carlisle with his preparations and Adele, as her maid of honor, helped Esme. It was only after Esme was ready that she visited her father.

"May we have a moment?"

Edward nodded once and slipped out of the room, leaving the father and daughter.

"You're nervous." She observed aloud as he tired to fix his tie.

"Is it obvious?"

"I can hear your thoughts from the other side of the house." She chuckled softly. "It is just pre-wedding jitters."

"But then why do I feel like this?"

Adele sat down and crossed her legs. Her blonde hair was cut short in a curly flapper bob and her lips were rouged red. She wore an elegant pale pink dress that reached just above her knees. "What is it that you are feeling?"

He sighed. "I don't know."

She stood and smacking his hands away from his tie, rolling her eyes. "Centuries old and you are terrible at fixing a tie."

He laughed softly, but then his smile was gone as he stared into his daughter's eyes. The lingering  venom in her veins was slowly nearing her  heart – he could see it right there in her eyes, her mundane blue irises amalgamating with the immortal gold of a vampire.

"I'm sorry, Adelina." He spoke solemnly.

She stared at him without so much as a twitch to her blank expression. She knew, not even by his thoughts, but by the look on his face as he looked I to her eyes. "Guilt. That is what you're feeling."

"I don't not want you to feel as though I'm forgetting your mother. Rosaline will always have a space in my heart..." At his words, she bit her lip as what little early memories she had of her mother plagued her mind. The last thing she had of her now was her eyes, but even those were being stolen from her by the very creatures which took her in the first place. "Maybe we shouldn't go through with this... It's just a document, after all."

She gaped at him. She would give anything to have married Jace all of those years ago. He didn't understand how important it really was. "Marriage is not about a legal document, Dad. It is about promising love and making a commitment. The extravagance of it all is to make it memorable because it is a day that you will cherish forever."

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