Plans and Allies

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We both decided after that we should both go and get some sleep, but I was just far too restless. I couldn't stop worrying about Dante and if he had managed to get Seth or not. I still had no idea what it was we were up against, all I did know was that the humans feared our kind.. and it was all out of arrogance.

I turned over to face Tatiana and saw that she was fast asleep, and I envied her at that moment.. How could she sleep in a time like this? How is it that she could be so calm? I shuffled back and forth for a while after that, just in vain hopes that I would actually be able to sleep. Eventually I just gave up as I found it truly futile to even try, so I sat up and looked around the place. The gentle touch of moonlight reached around the edges of the cave and made it look truly breath taking. I rose to my feet and walked towards the mouth of the cave, I didn't feel any real danger so.. what could happen presides getting mauled by a stray badger or pecked at by an owl? The thought just amused me more than anything so I smiled to myself and carried on. The moment I reached the entrance however, I froze solid and scanned the environment. It was so quiet, all that could be heard was the rustling of the leaves in the trees and the snapping of branches when rabbits or some other woodland animal ran across them.

I pressed onwards and walked to the nearest tree, after all.. what better way to get a view of your surroundings than climbing a tree right? I placed both of my hands on the sides of the trunk, closed my eyes and sighed. After a moment or two I opened my eyes and jumped, which shot me a good six feet into the air, which was just high enough to reach the first couple of branches, I could have jumped to the top if I really wanted to but... where's the fun in that. I pulled myself up onto the branch so that I was perched, almost like a bird, upon it. Once fully balanced I jumped again so that I could grab one of the higher and more sturdy looking branches. I repeated these actions a few time until I reached the top. The view from the top was simply wonderful. The moon light gracefully dusted the surrounding area as if it was merely a painting from an artists imagination.. it was like nothing I had ever seen before. A brief glance over to the left showed just how close I was to home.. my family home. The castle seemed so different, it didn't give off the warm feeling it always did, instead, it felt more like a prison. No lights were on inside the castle which only heightened my fears that something had happened to them all, the sooner that Dante got back here, the better it would be.. and I would finally get my answer.

I dived from the tree and felt the cold breeze slice my skin like knives. It was feeling I had missed, feeling so free without troubles. Just before I hit the ground, I twisted in the air like a cat would do and landed on both feet with a 'Boom'.
“What are you doing!” Tatiana shouted behind me, resulting in making me jumping out of my skin
“I couldn't sleep so I thought..” I began to explain
“You thought you would alert every possible enemy in the area to our location! Get back in that cave and wait for Dante! You're such an idiot” I was taken back by her sudden outburst but I felt more angry rather than anything because I didn't appreciate being called an idiot. My hands curled into fists and I could feel my bloody boiling. I ran towards where she was stood and shoved her hard, she fell flat on her back and all I could do was laugh at her. Her face went scarlet from both anger and embarrassment and I smiled. I turned and began to walk away when I felt a hand on my shoulder, and before I had a chance to react, I was thrown to the side. I slid across the floor and went smack into the nearest tree, resulting in my back being clicked in three places.
“You need to grow up Victoria!” she screamed at me “You know you're no match for me anyway”

“Is that a threat?” I challenged “Because I sense a fight coming on here” she merely snorted at me and began to make her way back to the cave. I sharply rose to my feet and charged towards her at an impressive speed, tackling her to the ground. The force of the impact sent us both tumbling down the mouth of the cave and into its depths. As we tumbled we punched, scrammed and clawed at each other, even throwing in the occasional kick or two.
We reached the bottom where we were both sleeping not too long ago and began to really throw some punches. I hit her in the eyes, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head backwards as I kneed her in the stomach and even rolled on top so that I could slam her arrogant and self centred head into the rocky floor. Of course, us being of equal strength.. she did the exact same thing to me. We continued fighting and screaming at each other that the other was weaker for some time until we both heard a cough that echoed through the cave

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