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I woke from my slumber the next morning groggy, in immense pain, flinching and gasping for breath. I reached down to my leg to see the cuts to gasp as soon as it was revealed… I completely forgot that I had left the tissue wrapped around my leg… the thing was scarlet red… it looked horrifying...

  Practically jumping out of bed I stripped off my clothes and slowly unpeeled the tissue, but when I saw the cuts… they weren’t that bad at all… in fact they were already beginning to heal, still tender but healing. The only downside was that they covered near enough the top half of my leg… I did get carried away yesterday… just a bit… but it helped me though. I rolled the tissue up and shoved it my draw, I would dispose of it later. But looking down at my stomach, I sighed as I saw the huge ass bruise on my chest… I knew it was going to be there… but it was worse than I had expected. Quickly changing my underwear I ran over to my wardrobe, pulled out a black T-shirt, dark navy skinny jeans, and my black boots again. I then wrapped my hair up in a messy bun before sinking back down on my bed… where was I going to go today? I couldn’t go locally because of what happened the day before… so where to?

  Shrugging my shoulders I decided to go downstairs to go eat some breakfast, I wasn’t really in the mood for food… to be perfectly honest, I wasn’t even hungry but I knew I needed to keep my strength up. As I approached the kitchen I was greeted by a regular sight of my father with his damned paper, my mother making god knows what and Hannah sat in her uniform texting some random kid that she probably doesn’t know, but met through Facebook. They looked like the perfect family, but I knew as soon as I sat with them their expressions would change to something that would make me feel even more of an exile than I already felt.

  Instead of sitting with them I walked straight past them, to the fridge, grabbed a can of Pepsi and turned to leave, but as soon as I walked past my father he called me

“Victoria” I turned to face him “Have you got any plans today?” he flicked the paper to turn the page

“No, No I haven’t yet dad… why?”

“I was wondering if you fancied taking a trip to London with me and your mother.” London?

“London?” my voice sounded more shocked than I wanted to release

“Yes London, so… fancy a trip?”

“Sure” I cracked open the can and took a sip “What time?”

“Urmm…. In about two hours is that ok?” I could see Hannah beginning to look really annoyed, so I smiled, told him it was ok then walked into the living room to watch some T.V. I flicked it over to BBC to watch the news but what I saw… truly shocked me… I’ll never forget it.

  The news bulletin gave news that three bodies were found in Kings cross: London, the bodies were slashed and ripped to pieces, it was a massacre... the pictures that showed the crime scene… there were piles and piles of blood everywhere… I raised my hand to my mouth and gasped, it was only at that moment did I noticed my mother was behind me and had mirrored my actions… it was horrible that someone could have done that someone… yet alone three people! My mother began to try and talk my father out of taking us to London that evening… I felt pretty shaken up myself but of course that didn’t come into the equation as he bluntly stated that no we were going as he wanted some time out of the house… and I needed to get out more… lovely.

  Like he said, two hours later minus Hannah who was in school we were all in the car and well on our way to London, it was nerve wracking to know we were about to head near the place where three people were murdered… I mean I had wanted and tried to kill myself before, but never would I imagine taking someone’s life or imagine mine being taken by some random nutcase… even though it has been close a few times.

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