Chapter 3

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Feather writing, I hope you enjoy!

Princessheart sat in the camp grooming her fur.

Silvertongue approached her, grinning flirtatiously. "Hey Princessheart, wanna go in the den and-"



Silvertongue licked a paw. "Would you like to go hunting with me?"

Princessheart blushed so hard her cheeks became red even though they were covered in fur.

[Princessheart... Keep it realistic.]

(K fine.)

Princessheart ducked her head and smiled. "Yeah, sure."

Sunclaw overheard Silvertongue and Princessheart's conversation and started seething in jealousy. He stalked up to them and faked a smile. "I heard you're hunting? Can I join?"

"Bring me back some voles!" Volebelly called from the fresh-kill pile with a mouthful of prey.

Silvertongue glared at Sunclaw. "I guess you can join... if Princessheart says it's okay."

Princessheart grinned. "Sunclaw can join."

"JOIN WHAT?" Firestorm screeched while walking into the discussion. "WHY AREN'T YOU INVITING ME?" He jumped on both Silvertongue and Sunclaw, killing them both.

[That's it. Firestorm, I'm kicking you out of the roleplay.]

(NO. I swear I won't do it again. I'm just really new to all this.)

[Fine, ONE more chance.]

(I won't break the rules again.)

[I would hope not.]

Completely unharmed, Sunclaw and Silvertongue glowered at each other with so much hate they didn't notice a pack of dogs break through the camp entrance and lunge at Princessheart.

"AHHH HELP!!" She screamed.

Sunclaw hissed at the dogs and killed them all in one swipe.


(Ugh, OKAY.)

Sunclaw called for help and the rest of the Clan fought off the dogs.

Loststar nodded at Sunclaw in approval before mysteriously disappearing into his den where he won't be seen again for the rest of the roleplay.

Sunclaw shoved Silvertongue aside and helped up Princessheart who was trembling but still managed to appear unscathed.

"Are you okay?"

"I-I think so." Princessheart whimpered. "I just want to sleep, it's been a long day."

Those characters... so horrid... Firestorm and Volebelly are definitely my favorites.

~ Feather

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