Chapter 41

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Fireclaw laughed darkly. "The time is near!"

Glodahrtsr nodd. "yaes givve mee a fyew moor minates! drakshadowe well gave mae al teh powr end i wall rool al ov yuo!"

HoneyStripe trotted out of the SkyClan Camp.

Wonderfulwhisker ran into her and tripped her. |TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!|

HoneyStripe unsheathed her Claws angrily.

Wonderfulwhisker padded off, humming annoying tunes.


Garrett Hawking huddled over his keyboard, staring in disbelief at the idiocy of the members of the roleplay. He frowned and tried to read Goldheart's latest message. It read, "i amm membur of fbi!1!!!!"

Garrett shook his head in annoyance and rolled his eyes. That guy is probably just a troll, and Moonmoon was just his friend who went along with it. There's no way that moron is an FBI agent....

The doorbell rang. Garrett frowned in confusion. Who on Earth would be showing up at his house at 12:30 AM?

Garrett stood up uneasily and walked over to the front door. He peered through the peephole and recoiled in shock. A crowd of men with assault weapons were gathered outside, with some adorned in bulletproof vests and others simply wearing dark blue jackets with bright yellow letters on the back that read "FBI."

At the front, one tall man with dark brown hair was yelling, "Open the door!" and was holding his badge in his right hand. Garrett quickly flung open the door. "What the f..."

The tall man entered the house without hesitation and shut the door. "Hello, Garrett. I'm Agent Collins of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. You probably don't recognize me, but I'm Goldheart from the Warriors roleplay."

"WHAT?!" screamed Garrett in shock. 

Agent Collins nodded. "Now, Darkshadow, I told my fellow agents that I suspected you of being a Russian spy, and if you don't do exactly as I tell you, I will arrest you and you will spend the rest of your life in prison."

Garrett narrowed his eyes in outrage. "You can't do that!"

"But I can," Agent Collins said with a triumphant smirk. "So, here's what I want..."


*Darkshadow has given Glodhart admin powers!*

*Darkshadow has given Wonderfulwhisker admin powers!*

*Darkshadow has given Fireclaw admin powers!*

*Darkshadow has unbanned ALL BANNED USERS!*

*Glodhart has revoked Darkshadow's admin powers!*

Fireclaw chuckled evilly. "How did he agree to that?"

Glasrihrt shrogged. "Ppl aggree too suprizing thangs wen threttened!"

Firestorm laughed giddily. "YES I'VE BEEN UNBANNED!"

Wonderfulwhisker tilted his head in confusion. "Aren't you Fireclaw?"

Fireclaw shook his head. "No, I'm just Firestorm's best friend. I joined this roleplay to avenge him."

"Glodhart, this is great and all... just a small request though..." Wonderfulwhisker said hesitantly.

"yaez?" Gloasrtht raspond.

"Can you use proper spelling and grammar now that you don't need to disguise yourself from Darkshadow? I don't care if you misspell your name but it's hard to read your posts sometimes," Wonderfulwhisker meowed.

"Fineeeeeee," Glodhart said. "I name myself Glodstar, leader of EvilClan! We shall terrorize the forest! And I name Fireclaw my deputy!"

"WOOHOO!" cheered Fireclaw.

"Now, I have some unfinished business," Firestorm said. "I've been waiting months for this!"

Teafur chased a mice casually in the woods. 

("A mice" what a loser Teafur) Sunclaw laughed at Teafur's stupidity.

{YOU'RE SUCH A BULLY!! :'(} Teafur sobbed sadly at the bully Sunclaw's words.

Firestorm leapt out of a tree and landed on Sunclaw's back. Before Sunclaw could react, Firestorm sank his fangs into Sunclaw's neck, snapping his windpipe. Sunclaw fell to the ground, dead, with an empty look in his eyes.

{YAY!!!!! :D} Teafur danced happily and celebrated.


[I promised I'd kill you eventually and that no rules would stop me! :D]

Sunclaw, who was not dead...

*Sunclaw has been banned permanently by Fireclaw!*

[Good timing! :D] Sunclaw was completely 100% dead, and Firestorm quickly buried the body.

Glodstar: Apparently, I can use this feature to broadcast a message to everyone in the roleplay! As the new leader of this roleplay, I have an important message to declare to all of you.


"SUNCLAW IS DEAD!!!! :D" Teafur exclaimed merrily.

"Would you like to join EvilClan, Teafur?" Glodstar asked.

"SURE! :D YAY!" Teafur replied.

A/N: Crazystar here! There's a lot of evilness and action in this chapter, and there's lots more to come! The evil cats are now in control, and this will lead to a dramatic finale! I hope you guys enjoyed! :D

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