Chapter 36

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Acornleap padded out of camp, glad for the opportunity to enjoy some solitude. He walked along the SunClan and MoonClan border, reveling in the lush scenery.

"HEY SUNCLAN LOSER!" Sunclaw yowled from across the border. "OVER HERE!"

"Your name looks like SunClan misspelled," Acornleap shot back.

(That is...actually true)

[I know.]

(We should have a roses are red poems battle, I can take you down!)

[Y'know what, bring it on.]

(One condition though; the next like can't be violets are blue! You must be innovative! Okay, so I'll go first:

Roses are red,

Magentas are pink,

You should take a bath,

Because you really stink!)

[Roses are red,

Sunflowers are yellow,

Your face looks like,

It is made of Jello.]

(Roses are red,

It's such wonderful day,

They say behind everyone there's someone beautiful,

No really you're in the way!)

[Roses are red,

The clouds are thick,

You are what you eat,

Maybe that's why you're such a d...]

[AND I'LL STOP YOU RIGHT THERE!] Darkshadow sauntered over to the conversation, casually dragging Sunclaw away.

(drakshdwo goe awai noboddy lieks yu ann im goeing too arrest yuo!

Rozes arr redd,

Draksadow's a krook,

I thank taht evryon,

Shud reed mai bookk!) Gloarygsr dnaced trymphently!

[Goldheart just got a reader lmao!] Sunclaw perked up as he sensed incoming drama.

[I'm just leaving] "This Clan sucks," Darkshadow spat as he dematerialized.

(yae! Itz colled Glodhart's Prophessy!)

Wonderfulwhisker quickly darted out of the SunClan camp with all of their fresh-kill and gave it to MoonClan.

(Dude wtf) Acornleap glowered at his moronic Clanmate.

|TROLOLOLOL| Wonderfulwhisker collected a bundle of deathberries to offer to the apprentices.

"Hey, Wonderfulwhisker," a voice hissed from the bushes.

"I'M NOT THE SHARPEST TOOL IN THE SHED!" sang Wonderfulwhisker dissonantly.

Fireclaw crept out into the open. "Yesterday's ploy did not work out. Darkshadow has too much power. But one way or another, I want everyone who dares to oppose me or to even look at me the wrong way to DIE SLOWLY IN AGONY."

Wonderfulwhisker skipped along. "That sounds fun!"

"We must strike now," Fireclaw continued. "In the dead of the night, I will attack. I will make the MoonClan cats fear to leave their camp. And one day, I will rule!

Wonderfulwhisker paused, serious for a moment. "What about SunClan?"

"That's where you come in," Fireclaw replied. "It is your job to get rid of all of them. Starting with that despicable Acornleap."

Wonderfulwhisker chuckled trollishly. "Count me in!"

"Andd I con fnid Drakshawto en reel lief!" Gladhrit addid, joyning the coversaytion. "I con showw op att hes dore wtih teh FBI!"

"...Okay, awesome...." Fireclaw said, eyes wide.





TROLOLOLOLOL!| Wonderfulwhisker trotted off merrily.

A/N: It's Crazystar here! I hope that you guys enjoyed! Is it time for the evil characters to strike? Will they take over this trainwreck of a roleplay? Also, if you want to read Glodhart's book, Glodhart's Prophessy is one of our stories, so feel free to check it out xD

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