Chapter 31

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Volebelly yawned as he opened his eyes to light filtering into the warrior's den. Stomach rumbling, he lumbered out of the den and toward the freshkill pile.

"Have you been hunting today?" Darkshadow asked sharply, spotting the tom.

"Um, no," Volebelly replied, hooking the tail of a mouse on his claw and pulling it toward himself.

Darkshadow gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to attack him. "Well then you can't eat. In fact - you can go hunting today!" With a smile lighting his eyes, he turned back toward the small crowd of warriors waiting to get their patrols assigned. "Glodhart, you can go hunting with Volebelly. Bring Birdwing with you too."

Glodhart nodde hsi hedd adn trnde ot Brdwgni. "Rdy ot uthn?" eh akde.

Birdwing turned to Darkshadow. "Do I really have to go hunting with him?" she begged.

Darkshadow just nodded, padding back into the crowd of warriors to continue assigning patrols. 

Volebelly, stomach grumbling, pushed the mouse back into the freshkill pile. He lumbered over to the other two cats. "So we're going hunting now," he meowed thoughtfully.

"Yse," Glodhart moewde. "We kan goo ot hte SonClnan brdor." Eh strdet wlkngi uoot fo kmap.

Birdwing sighed, following him. "I don't want to go hunting," she muttered. "It's so dumb!"

Volebelly stared at her with a mixed expression in his yellow eyes. "How else do you think the freshkill pile gets filled up?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

"That's not my job!" she answered bossily.

Glodhart sopttde aa brid pekkign seds ta hte bass fo a twee. Hee dropde toin aa croooch, eys foccssud.

Volebelly's mouth watered as he watched the other tom stalking the prey. He started imagining prey walking around, diving into his mouth and making the pains in his tummy go away. The tom swiped his tongue around his jaws.

[...] Birdwing snorted. "Are you going to catch it or not?"

[If you're going to talk, you ruin the patrol -___-] The bird flew away.

[Powerplaying much, Darkshadow] Volebelly sighed, watching the tasty creature disappear into the leaves above.

Glodhart lte aa tera escpe hsi ey. "Y ddi yuo scrae ti awway?" he ssaked Brdwign.

She rolled her eyes. "I didn't! Darkshadow did."

[Quit whining. Be realistic and I'll get off your case.] Darkshadow did stuff in camp blah blah.

Birdwing sighed. "Let's just get back to hunting."

Glodhart ndded in agremeant. "Ill fidn moar prai," eh mewoed. "Ist okey, Brdwng."

⌁  ⌁  ⌁

[I'm back from my ballet recital!] HoneyStripe padded into the Camp.

[Cool.] Acornleap was lounging in a corner of camp, eyes half-closed in bliss as he soaked in the newleaf rays. He rolled over upon hearing pawsteps, rightening himself and blinking the sleep out of his eyes. "Hi Honeystripe," he greeted SunClan's deputy with a warm smile, standing up and padding toward her. "I'm glad that you're back. Could you assign me to a border patrol? I'd rather not waste away the afternoon." He let out a soft chuckle.

[Please spell my name correctly.] "Sure, you can lead a Patrol with a couple other Warriors or an Apprentice. Just go to the Border next to the pond," the Deputy meowed briskly.

[...sorry] "Thanks," Acornleap responded cheerfully, spinning on his paws and padding toward the warrior's den. He poked his head inside, not wanting to wake up any sleeping cats that could've been in there. "Does anyone want to go hunting with me?" he asked softly, seeing a few cats that were awake and chatting mindlessly.

"I could want to hunt with you" Clawowl meow, smiles bright for Acornleap.

Acornleap scanned around the den, but no other cats seemed to take up the offer for hunting. He turned back to Clawowl. "Alright, I'll meet you the camp entrance in a few moments... I'll check the apprentice den, since all the warriors are too lazy to get up and go hunting." He gave a pointed glare to the slumbering Smartfeather, who didn't stir.

Clawowl nod and walk out the den, going to camp entrance. 

Acornleap watched him go and carefully walked out of the warrior's den, not really wanting to wake up Smartfeather. He scanned the clearing, looking for cats to join the patrol, but no one seemed up to the task. With a sigh, he padded into the apprentice's den. "Anyone want to go on patrol?" he asked lightly.

[If Hazelstar is online, I need a mentor.] Yarrowpaw lifted her head up. "Sure, I'll come with you. I-I just don't know much about patrols, so sorry if I mess something up."

"It's fine," Acornleap reassured her, glad to have found someone who would join the quaint border patrol. He padded out of the smaller den, heading toward the camp entrance where Clawowl was waiting. "Sorry that I took so long," he meowed, flicking his tail in the general direction of Yarrowpaw. "She's going to be joining us... most of the warriors must be out hunting or something."

[What Yarrowpaw? Sorry, I was, uh, playing solitaire with my grandma...] Hazelstar was lying in her den when she heard Twolegs entering camp.


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