Chapter 07

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  • Dedicated to Niall James Horan

~Chapter 07

Niall's P.O.V

I walked into the kitchen to get some cookies, I took a packet out of the cupboard and started eating them.

"Hello Niall!" Naomi said, walking into the kitchen. I chuckled.

"Hi, Naomi. Your very cheerful."

"Yeah, just won a game of chess against Harry." She said, with a grin.

"Woah! Harry's the chess king! Well done Naomi!" I said, grinning back.

Harry came into the kitchen huffing. I grinned at him and walked out the kitchen, chuckling to myself. I heard some talking coming from Addi's bedroom, I stopped to listen.

"Your not alone." What? That sounds creepy.


"I like one of them too."

"It's Louis isn't it."

"And yours is Liam? I came to tell you, because I saw how you reacted to his singing yesterday."

"Your breathing! Your breathing yesterday, during Louis' song. You were breathing kinda heavily."

Wait. What? Alexa liked Louis and Addi liked Liam? What? But they both have girlfriends! Do they know that? I knocked on the door and Alexa opened it.

"Hi Niall." She said, smiling at me.

"Hi. Can I talk to you guys?" I said.

"Yeah sure, come in." Alexa replied.

I walked in and sat down on Addi's bed. How was I gonna say this? I couldn't keep this a secret from them, they were gonna find out sooner or later.

"Err, I'm sorry to intrude, but I kinda overheard you guys talking." They both exchanged glances then looked back at me. I continued. "I, er, I know that you guys like Liam and Louis." I said, looking down at my hands.

"How much did you hear?" Addi asked.

"Just that you two liked them. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hear you, it was an accident! I-" 

"Niall, it's okay we forgive you." Addi said. 

"What? Really?" I said, stunned. I didn't think it was that easy. Now to tell them they both have girlfriends.

"Yes. Really." Alexa said, "Just don't tell anyone. Especially Louis and Liam."

"I won't." I said smiling.

"And, we know they both are taken." Addi said, forcing a smile.

I nodded and said bye, leaving the room. They knew? How? It's not like they could've asked them. I heard shouts and cheers coming from the sitting room and I laughed, knowing Harry had beat Naomi. He was the chess king. I knocked on Zayn's door, wondering where he was. 

"Come in!"

I opened the door and entered, Zayn was sitting cross legged on the floor with Liam and Louis.

"Hey, whatcha up to?" I asked.

"Just talking. Wanna Join?" Liam answered.

"Nah, I'm good. I'm gonna go eat." I said, smiling.

"Okay Niall, you do that." Louis said with a laugh.

I feel like everyone's having fun and I'm not. Addi and Alexa are talking, Liam, Zayn and Louis are talking and Harry and Naomi are playing competitive games. There was just one person missing. Lydia. I walked over to her room and knocked on the door, entering when she called. She was sitting on her bed, on her laptop.

"Hey Niall, come and join me." She said. I went over and sat next to her. She was scrolling through twitter.

"What's your username?" She asked.

"@NiallOfficial" I answered.

"I shall follow you." She said, elegantly. I laughed and watched as she clicked the follow button on my profile, turning it from white to blue. I picked up my phone, following her back. I clicked on new tweet, and made a tweet.

"@NiallOfficial: Chillin' on the tour bus with @LydiaMatthews (:"

I gave her the usernames of all the lads and she gave me the usernames of the girls and we sat there, scrolling through twitter and laughing at some tweets.



Hey monkeys! How's the chapter? Let me know! :)


Yeah, it's Niall's birthday so I wanted to do some writing on wattpad for him like I did on Liam's birthday. So I decided I'd do a Niall P.O.V. :D

Niall on side >>>>>

YouTube video on side is Katy Perry'- Roar. The lyrics to it is in my song book. :)

Enjoy! :)


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~ Gemma x

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