Chapter 21

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  • Dedicated to Everyone

Addi's P.O.V:

I lay with Liam on his bed on the tour bus. His hand with pressed against mine and he was playing with it. "I have to admit though. That was an amazing song."

He laughed, "Thanks."

"Who was the friend?"


"There's a lyric, your friend's been telling me, that you've been sleeping with my sweater. Who's the friend?" I asked.

"Oh um, Naomi."

"That little bitch." I muttered.

"Were you sleeping with my sweater?"

"It's a t-shirt."

He laughed, "Which one?"

"The grey one. Christian 47."

"Oh my god, I was wondering where that went!"

I laughed. "What about the other lyrics? Something about a shoe? And the sky?"

"Only half a blue sky, kinda there but not quite, i'm walking around with just one shoe, i'm half a heart without you." he sang.

"You weren't walking around with just one shoe though were you?"

"Well, just after we broke up, I was walking around trying to find my other shoe and I found it next to your suitcase."

"How did you come up with the song?"

"Well, I was scrolling through twitter and there was pictures of you and Jason everywhere and the only way I can let my feelings out is to write songs, so I did."

"Nobody's ever written a song about me before." I muttered.

"Well now they have." I grinned and reached up to kiss him.

"Hey you know what we should do?"


"What's my all time favourite show?"

"One Tree Hill." I grinned and he laughed, figuring it out. I got up from his bed and jamp down, walking towards my suitcase. Liam walked towards the sitting area while I got my boxset from my suitcase. I followed him and slid the CD for the third season into the DVD player. We'd already watched the first two season when we were dating, because I loved One Tree Hill and Liam had never seen it, but wanted to.

The intro came up and we started singing along.

I don't want to be

Anything other than what I've been trying to be lately

All I have to do

Is think of me and I have peace of mind

I don't want to be

Anything other than what I've been trying to be lately

All I have to do

Is think of me and I have peace of mind

I'm tired of looking 'round rooms

Wondering what I've got to do

Or who I'm supposed to be

I don't want to be anything other than me

"Will you two shut up!" Harry yelled, we both laughed as the episode started. it was the first one in season three and it was called, 'Like you, Like an Arsonist'. We find out what happens to Dan after the fire, Nathan has to deal with Haley's reappearance in Tree Hill and the future of their relationship. Peyton tries to find the truth about the mysterious woman claiming to be her mother. And Lucas looks forward to Brooke's return after a summer apart.

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