Chapter 20

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One month later..

Addi's P.O.V:

I knocked on the door of my boyfriend's house, a huge smile plastered onto my face. "Hey," I said, when he opened the door.

"Hey," he grinned, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a hug. "God, i've missed you so much."

I laughed, "It's been two months Jason."

"Exactly, too long." He closed the door and led me inside.  "So, how was the tour? Are you sad you've only got two weeks left?"

"Well, yeah, I mean I've loved touring with the boys, and I'll miss being on stage with them and that."

"Yeah, I get ya. So, everything's good with Liam?" I nodded. Me and Liam had decided to just stay friends, after everything that happened. And eventually, me and Jason got together. I loved Jason, he was amazing, but that didn't mean I wasn't still in love with Liam. But, I'd get over it. Only two weeks left.

I sat on the sofa while Jason made tea for us both. I flicked the TV on and started to flick through the channels. I settled on Orange is the New Black. It was the episode called Hugs Can Be Decievingwhen Piper returns to Litchfield along with a guy called Soso, Larry meets a journalist who wants to use Piper as a source for a story about fraud and embezzling by the administration at Litchfield and Vee uses Suzanne's outcast desperation to manipulate her. 

After the episode had finished, I flicked through the channels, but there was nothing worth watching on. I switched the TV off and turned to Jason, who was staring at me. I raised my eyebrows, "Yes?"

"Nothing." He grinned, moving into kiss me.

Naomi's P.O.V:

I lay on the bed in my hotel room, waiting for Addi to come back from visiting Jason. We were in Bolton, performing at a concert that night. We had a free day, with no interviews, so Addi went to see Jason, and we had sound check in 20 minutes and she still wasn't back. I waited and waited and finally, ten minutes later, she came back.


"What?" She replied, incredulously.

"Where were you?"

"You know where I was, with Jason."

I groaned, "Addi, we have sound check in ten minutes."

Her eyes grew wide. "What?!" She ran into the bathroom to get ready. I sighed, grabbed my phone and keycard from the bedside table and walked out the door towards Harry's room.

"Well hello there beautiful," Harry answered as he opened the door. "Did Addi come back?"


"Well, we've got precisely," he looked at his watch, "seven minutes till sound check."

I murmured a reply then sat down on his bed at scrolled through Twitter.

Half an hour later soundcheck was beginning. Apparently, Harry had told me that Liam had written a song he wanted to sing, on his own at the end of the show. I don't know if it was for Addi, but I was almost certain it was about Addi.

"Okay, let's go!" Louis yelled, walking onto the stage. The band started to play and we started to sing.

Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain

I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days

She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones

Possibility {Liam Payne}Where stories live. Discover now