Chapter 09

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  • Dedicated to Louis William Tomlinson

~Chapter 09

"So, Addison, how are you getting on living with the boys?" The Interviewer asked me.

"Good" I replied, bluntly. What was I supposed to say? She'd been at me the whole interview. Asking me questions, I was getting fed up. I'd had interviews before, with the girls, but none of them had focused on me for basically the whole interview, why? Why me, though? She looked at me blankly, giving me a weird look, before moving on to Naomi. Liam nudged me and I turned to look at him. 'You okay?' he mouthed. I nodded and squeezed a smile.

"What the hell was that?" Harry asked as we all left the interview room. "Why did she, like, ask Addi all the questions?"

"She was picking on her" Liam answered.

"I don't think I like that woman." Zayn added. I nodded, as we picked up our stuff and made our way to the exit.

"I'm with you on that one Zayn." I said, "She's a bitch. No other interviewer has ever done that to me and the girls."

"Neither" Louis replied, as Paul pushed open the door, helping us outside. The loud sream of fans filled our ears. We stopped and took, a few pictures and signed pictures.

I went over to the barrier, walking over to a girl with long blonde hair.

"Hey" I said, smiling.

"Hi, could I get a picture?" She asked, shyly. I nodded, and crouched down a bit, so I was at her level. She held her phone out infront of us and snapped a picture.

"Thank you Addi." She smiled. I nodded and smiled then moved on to another girl, one after another, until we finally reached the tour bus. I walked up the steps and let out a long sigh, as I dropped my stuff on the floor.

I sat on the floor in my room with Niall, on the tour bus, our guitars in hand. My notebook laid on the floor infront of me, as I strummed some chords on my guitar, trying to put the words together into a song. 

"I look at you, you look at me, I look away, so you can't see, I'm dreaming of you, and you don't even know, you don't even know." I sang, whilst strumming the chords on my guitar. We were writing a new song for our shows. The first one was tonight, in Brighton. I was looking forward to it, we had written lots of songs together that we we're going to sing. Tonight would be the first night the fans would hear our songs. 

I was happy with what I had written, now I just had to get the others and see watching TV, with Lydia, Louis and Liam.

"Hey guys, where's Naomi, Harry and Zayn?" I asked.

"They are in the kitchen. Harry and Naomi are playing Dominoes and Zayn's judging them" Liam answered. I nodded and went through to the kitchen to get them.

"God dammit!" Naomi said as I walked in. She never was good at dominoes.

"Hey Addi, what's up" Zayn said

"Me and Niall wrote a song, I want you guys to hear it" Zayn nodded and smiled, getting up and following me out the kitchen.

"Addi has a song she wants you guys to hear." Zayn informed the others, sitting down. Niall handed me my guitar and we sat ourselves down too. They all smiled at us as I started to sing.


I look at you, you look at me

I look away, so you can't see

I'm dreamin of you

And you don't even know, you don't even know


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