Chapter 13

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Addi's P.O.V:

Apparently Liam had a visit from Sophia last night. She stayed the night. Some news people called Orange Orangutan or something, had spread a rumor that me a Liam had a little 'romance' going on. Sure, I like Liam, but as long as he's dating Sophia, no 'romance' is going to happen between us. And anyone can see Liam's in love with Sophia. Something did tug on my heart strings though. 

This morning, there was a knock on my door and I went to answer it. I opened the door and Zayn stood there, he smiled at me.

"Hey, come in," I said, smiling back.

"Have you heard about Liam and Sophia?" He asked, dropping down into a seat.

"Depends what it is," I replied.

"Sophia is staying with us on tour for two days." 

 "Huh," I said.

"Do you like her?" Zayn asked.

"I don't really know her that well,"

"I'm not sure on her, Liam loves her but I don't know if the feelings are mutual."

"What?"  I said, astonished at what he just said.

"Doesn't matter," He said, brushing the subject off, "I came to ask you if you wanted to come to breakfast with me and Harry."

I nodded, letting the subject go too.

"He's just getting Niall and Louis. We thought we'd leave Liam and Sophia to it and the girls went and got hammered last night, and have a hangover."

I laughed, that sounded like them, "The idiots. We have a concert tonight and two interviews today."

Zayn laughed and shook his head. We came out of my room and locked the door, heading down the hall to Louis' room. We knocked on the door and Harry opened it.

"Come in, Louis just getting ready," he said.

"You alright there Niall?" I asked, he was jiggling his legs and he looked impatient.

"HURRY UP LOUIS I WANT FOOD!" He shouted, then turned to me, "Yeah, I'm fine." I looked at Harry and we both burst out laughing.

"Alright! Alright! I'm here!" Louis said, coming out of the bathroom. We turned and left Louis' room and went to the breakfast area. I sat and listened to the boys' conversations and laughed at their jokes. Louis really was funny. I'd seen videos of him, where he was funny, but when you meet him in person, he's just even more funny.

Naomi's P.O.V:

I woke up with my head pounding. I thought back to last night, remembering me, Alexa and Lydia went and got drunk. And now I have a hangover. I groaned and dropped back down on my bed. I intended on going back to sleep, but my phone rang. It was Harry. I swyped the green button to answer the call.

"Hi," I groaned.

"Hey, you hungover?"

"Uh huh."

He laughed, "Naw, well Addi wants you to come down to breakfast and she wants you here in fifteen minutes."

"What? Urgh, put her on."

"Yeah, down in 15 Naomi," Addi's voice said fromt he other end of the phone, "Niall and Louis rang Alexa and Lydia, they are hungover too, but they will be down in 15 minutes. We have a concert tonight and an interview in an hour. So get a move on girl." And with that she hung up. I groaned and pulled the clean white hotel sheets back and got up. I trudged through to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked a mess. I groaned again and locked the door, slid out of my pj's and got in the shower.

Addi's P.O.V:

We we're in Nando's getting lunch after the interviews we'd just been to. Niall dragged us there. He had a huge grin on his face as the waiter took his order. He absolutley loves food. The waiter took the rest of our order's then left. We sat at the round table, Harry was talking to Naomi. Alexa, Lydia and Louis we're in a deep conversation, and Liam was talking to Sophia, who had met us after our last interview. Zayn was tapping away on his phone, and Niall had this huge grin on his face, just looking about excitedly.

I sighed and took my phone out, opening my twitter app. I decided to go to my mentions and look through them.

"@LoveHimLotss: How was the interviews Addi? (: Xx" One fan had asked.

I smiled and clicked on the message, I followed the girl then tapped out a reply.

"@Addison_Ayres: It was good thanks love, how's your day going so far? (: Xx"

I answered a few more questions and followed people before my food arrived. I got a mediterranean salad as that's what I usually get. It has piccolo tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, sweet zingy peppers and mixed leaves in paprika dressing and was sprinkled with olives and feta cheese. It was delicious.


Harry's P.O.V:

Naomi wanted a walk to try get air because she still had a hangover and we had a concert tonight, and I decided to go with her, so I got Preston to drop us off on a deserted hill where no one was, and I told him we'd call him when we needed picked up.

We walked up the hill talking about anything and nothing.

"I thought they were good singers." Naomi said.

"What? Black Veil Brides?"

"Yeah, I thought they were good."

"They are, but they like screech, y'know?" I said.

"Yeah, true. I don't mind them though."

"You like rock?" I asked.

She nodded. "You?"

"Yeah. Y'know who's good though? My Chemical Romance." I said.

"Oh my god yes!" Naomi said, jubilantly.

I laughed and we started listing off rock songs of theirs that we liked. Then, once we'd done that, we started listing off rock bands and discovered we had a lot in common, when it came to rock bands and songs. We had a lot in common anyhow.

We were nearing the top of the hill and decided, with our competitive sides, that we'd race each other to the top. I ran as fast as I could but Naomi took Atheletics for 7 years when she was a kid, and unfortunately was faster than me. I laughed as she ran around in a circle triumphantly.

"Woo hoo! I won! Ladies and gentleman, I, Naomi Alice Gordon, beat, Harry Edward Styles!" I sat down on the big stone built cube in the middle of the platform that was built at the top of the hill, chuckling at Naomi. She laughed and came over and sat down next to me and we looked out at the view.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She said, referring to the view.

"Yeah, just like you."

Her head turned to face me. "What?"

"Oh, shit." I said, turning to look at her. "Did I just say that out loud?"

"Er, yeah."

"Oh. Well, now I guess you know. I can't take it back, but I don't want to take it back. I've been wanting to tell you for ages now Naomi. I like yo-" I was cut of by warm lips pressing gently onto mine.



Sorry for the long wait, I had no wifi for 2 weeks and 5 days. Then, when I came back on, I had to catch up on other stuff.

The twitter names in this is made up, as far as I know.

Dedicated to @NoelSteele just because. (:

YouTube link on the side is My Chemical Romance- Teenagers. One of my favourites. >>>>>

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~Gemma x

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