Chapter 08

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  • Dedicated to Zayn Javadd Malik

~Chapter 08

Addi's P.O.V:

After Niall telling me and Alexa that he overheard us, I didn't know what to do. What if he can't keep a secret? What if he tells Liam and Louis? What if I lose the only thing me and Liam can ever have? Our friendship. Alexa seemed fine with it though. She was still herself, hanging about Louis more though. What's her plan?

I sat on the sofa, watching everyone have fun. Naomi and Harry we're playing FIFA, they we're very competitive. Alexa, Louis and Zayn we're sitting a the floor in the corner, talking, god knows what about. Lydia and Niall we're sitting on the far end of the sofa, on their laptops, probably scrolling through twitter. I sat on the other end of the sofa, watching them all have fun.

"Hey" Liam said, sitting down on the sofa next to me.

"Hi" I replied, not knowing what to say. That thought left me after a while, and me and Liam got talking, he told me about his life before fame, and during the x factor. He told me many stories, very crazy ones at that. He asked me questions which I replied to honestly. He asked me, how I met my friends, my likes and dislikes and my intrests. I told him Iiked writing as a hobby. He told me he liked technology. We sat there and talked, and the more we did so, the more I felt confident around him.

"So, what kind of music do you like?" He asked me

"Erm, I like lots of types of music, really. I like bands, but I like individual singers too. What about you?"

"I like both, individual singers and bands." He smiled.

"Hey, where did Niall and Lydia go?" Louis voice interrupted our conversation. I looked around the room to see they we're no longer there. Naomi paused FIFA and stood up, heading towards the kitchen.

"Nope." She said, shaking her head, "there not in there." I got up and headed to Niall's room, sure enough there was voices coming from there. I beckoned them over and we listened at the door. They we're singing.


People stop to turn and stare

Everywhere she goes


Dollar signs and crimson hair

She will steal your soul

Set her sights on billionaires

All she wants is gold

She is straight up rock and roll

I'm telling you she knows


She know oh oh oh ee oh oh

She know oh oh oh ee oh oh Nobody does it like Juliet

Juliet, what you do to me

The way she does it is criminal

Physical and it's killing me

Nothing wrong in these allegations

She know oh oh oh ee oh oh

Nobody does it like Juliet

Juliet, you are haunting me


Pulls you with her perfect smile

Pretty soon you're done

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