Chapter 6: Another killer

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"May I ask..." Said Arata

One thought came in my mind... Don't tell me he's going to ask me out again! Even though I told him no!

"Look.. Arata... I'm sorry I kicked you in your stomach and your ... area hehehe.. I'm sorry! But it's a no for going out with you!" I said

Arata looked ashamed and out of nowhere he bursted out laughing which startled, But I was freaked out.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! I can't believe you actually thought I liked you! Makes me even want to toy you around even more! Look.. K-Kayano.. I never actually liked you, but in fact I was testing your abilities and your mind if you had tricks in your mind, and you won aha" said Arata

My mind was blown away.. He tested me? But I was relieved when he said he didn't actually like me because if he did I still would've said no, I only cherish my heart toward Nagisa and only Nagisa.

"Hey since we have 14 minutes until class starts, Why don't we get to know eachother better?" said Arata

I really do want to hang out with Nagisa .. But if it's Arata I know what he's going to do with me ughh.

"S-Sure" I said

"Don't give me that face... You can leave if you want and hang out with the little guy" said Arata

"R-Really!" I said

"Hahaha NOPE, You really think I let you loose that simple, I'm not dull and I'm not dumb, Plus I love when you get excited then when I let you with bad news and then you get sad ahahahaha!" said Arata

I came to him and was about to punch him but he stopped me and said

"Don't be so violent with such little words or I will tell Nagisa that I kissed you and you liked it hahahahaha!" Arata said

I gripped down my arms and said to myself "I wish I never came to this closet or never followed him.

Arata sat down in the floor and leaned against the wall, and I did the same.

"So tell me... What's your talent?" Said Arata

I thought in mind, is he going to play with me again, I rather not or I will...

"M-my talent well.. I don't really have a talent .. But I like to achieve what's better and I-I also like to save Koro-sensi! And! I'm good with my knife skills, Nagisa been teaching me and helping me out hehe! I said

I looked at Arata and he looked at me.

"U-Um what's your talent .. Arata-kun?" I said

He looked straight down and smiled

"My talent .. Ha.. Hahaha! I like .. killing people.. not just everyone but ... certain types of people.. I mean I was born in a Assassin family and I have the blood and I have been assassinating ever since I was 7... But one.. day... My sister was a traitor that day she ran away to be married with some random guy and thoughts came in my mind like "kill" and "kill her now" after all I am an fully assassin as I am now.." said Arata

Wow I never thought Arata had this side of him.. makes me feel bad for him...

"Do you mind telling me more?" I said

I don't know why .. but his story about his sister really ..relates to mines (kinda)

"Fine little flat chest girl ... hehehehehe... Anyways .. when those thoughts came in my mind I immediately ran to her and slaughtered her.. the blood that was in my sword or sythe.. whatever you call those things .. my mind was blurry that time so so I can't remember but anyways .. I felt sadden .. I killed my own sister .. All because my mind controlled me and forced me to do those work.. But then again I didn't care I had to live up to my name as an assassin. I still feel stupid that I killed my only sister ..." Said Arata

Wow ... I can't believe it .. All this side of him made me even want to know more about him ..

"Why .. do you kill certain people.. don't you .. feel sorry for them?" I said while gripping down

"Nope, when I kill people, they are long dead with the blood of theres in my swords, I don't feel sorry for them but it's for a good purpose and good reason why I kill people is because I'm a assassin after all." said Arata


"Huh? Are you serious?" I said

I looked toward her she had fallen asleep from my story ...

"Hmm even after what happened .. She deserves a nice ... nap... hehe.... I have to admit she does look cute while she sleep.. " I said

I look at Kayano while sleeping.. I don't know why but she reminds me of someone I used to know ...


"Huh.. What's taking them so long .... It's been 15 minutes!" I said

I couldn't take it anymore I had to check on Kayano.. She's been hold in closet for 15 minutes I can't stand to know what's been going on there.. But I can't let her have herself hurt! ... Because ... She's my best friend!

I grabbed Jelavic (B*** sensi) spare keys without letting her notice and ran to the closet and immediately I opened and I took a quick peek and couldn't believe my eyes ...

Arata... Carrying Kayano?!?!

"Hey! What do you think you doing carrying Kayano! Did YOU do something to her!" I said

Arata turned around and looked at me.

"What do YOU think your doing here.. Remember it was a PRIVATE CONVERSATION! And Besides Im carrying Kayano because she fell asleep.. You know what .. I don't have time .. I have to go home.. I WAS going to carry Kayano to the dumpster hehehe! But since your here .. Here carry Kayano, I have stuff do it .. See ya Later! Litttttttle guuuuy!~" said Arata

I looked at Kayano while she was sleeping, she looks so flawless and .. cute while sleeping .. Her hair and her face marks everything about her...

"I guess I'm carrying my .. honey .. Hahahahaha! I guess I'll have to carry her home then... Hmm.. Better grab my school bag and head on out.." I said

More chapters coming tomorrow!
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