Chapter 26: This is wrong!

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Finally class is dismissed!

Now I just have to meet Nagisa at the front gate!

I walk and thought about how relationship has been going..

It's been going smoothly lately... I haven't had the chance ... to kiss him... which makes me... a bad.. girlfriend.. AH! I should stop worrying ... I love him... and always will love Nagisa...

That moment I looked toward the front gate and twitched a little because I twitched ... I saw Suzuki clinging arms to Nagisa


I thought I would be able to hang with Nagisa today!

I guess... today... isn't my day..

"Heyyyyy Kayano!" Suzuki said with a glare and smiled

"Hi...." I said while gritting

"I thought maybe if I brought someone... You could make friends!" Nagisa said with a smile

"You're saying ... That I can't make friends?" I said

"Uh... Um... No not at all! I just wanted to make y—

"Nagisaaaaa! Can you help me with homework!" Suzuki said

"Oh.. um.. sure!" Nagisa said

I turned around and was repeatedly onning and offing a pen... I was furious ... I was mad...

"Hm? Kayano? Are you okay?" Nagisa said

I put the pen away and turned around and gave a smile

"Oh Yea I'm fine! hehe!" I said with a smile

As we were walking I was a little distance away from Nagisa

It makes me sad that I can't even hold hands with him..

"Nagisaaaaa! Do you want to come to my house!" Suzuki said

My house
My house
My house
My house
The words swaying back and forth toward me in my mind making my mind going blank.

Nagisa turns around and sees me

"Kayano! Are you okay!" Nagisa said

"Huh... Oh! um.. Yea I'm fine.. I'm probably ... getting dizzy off from something ... It's fine.." I said

".... Okay..." Nagisa said

"Oh there's my apartment! I'll be going ....." I said while heading to the steps

"I'll be going to Suzuki house to help her with homework... I'll make sure to come to you tomorrow!" Nagisa said as he was smiling at me

"Come on! I won't be able to pass the exams If you are just holding me up hereeee!" Suzuki said

"See ya Kayano!" Nagisa said

That moment Suzuki still clinging arms toward Nagisa and that moment Suzuki slowly turns around and gives a nasty look... and says something

I knew what she said

"Don't come near Nagisa!"

I unlock my door and walk in and close it and run toward my room and shoved my face toward the pillow

I hate you Nagisa!

You can't even think of me for once!

Why! Why! Why do you go to that nasty woman in the first place!

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