Chapter 8: Almost killed!

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From that moment, it was eye to eye to destined for love. I was trying so hard to hide my blush from Nagisa.

"K-Kayano.. I—

A sudden phone call was ringing and .. it was my phone that was ringing, I quickly stand up and reached for my purse and answered the phone call.

"H-Hello?" I said

"Kayano-chan! Heyyyyyy! It's me Arata-kun! Hehehehehehe HHHHow yyyyou feeeling!" Arata said

I gripped down and thought in my mind... Why did he call!! and ... Why did he call in a time like this!!! I was about to have a MOMENT with Nagisa!

"A-Arata-kun? H-how did you get my phone number?? ... I'm feeling  fine, why?" I said

"Hehehehehe! I guess you can say.. don't sleep next to me in the closet because I can do things hahahahaha" Arata said

I blush from that moment.. I slept in the closet?!?!? .. with him! no way that's possible, he must be lying.

"Anyways I was calling to see if you come by to Coffee shop nearby our school? Because I want toy you around more! Hehehe .. If you don't come within 20 minutes... There will be trouble with your love life between you and Nagisa ahahaahahahahahaha! Arata said

I gripped down harder and wished I told Nagisa about Arata doing this to me, but I know Arata is going to kill him.. Oh Nagisaaa I wish you'd knew..

"F-Fine! Jeez I can never to what I want! I'll be there in 15 minutes!" I said

I hanged up the phone and started finding clothes to wear

"W-What's wrong Kayano?" Nagisa said

I have to tell the truth, I thought in my mind... not to my love

"I-I have to meet Arata-kun by the coffee shop within 20 minutes .. Because... He wanted to talk something personal I guess.." I said

"A-Arata did! Hphm.. I really wanted to hang out with you more Kayano.. I thought maybe... we can .." Nagisa said

"Y-Yes... Nagisa-kun?" I said

"I .. thought maybe we can watch a movie tonight or eat dinner together just... how best friends would do !" Nagisa said

The word "best friend" crosses my heart into pieces of glass dropping.. Ugh! It hurts when he says best friends.. *sniff*

"I-Im sorry ... We can do those things tomorrow.. I promise my love!" I said

... D-did I say my love AGHHHH

"My love? Huh?" Nagisa said

"O-O-Oh I-I mean the love of p-pudding yup!" I said

Nagisa looked at me with a confused look but stand up.

"Well.. I should be leaving.. My mother is going to be mad if I don't come home before 7!" Nagisa said while leaving

It was 6:30 PM and I finally arrived the Coffee Shop, I opened the door and the sight that awaits me was Arata sitting down sipping coffee.

"H-Hello A-Arata-Kun" I said

"Took you long enough to come here.. What's been holding you off?" Arata said

"... Nothing ... It was ... just.. Nagisa and I fell down onto eachother and I guess you can call it ... a moment ... BUT THEN YOU CALLED AND RUINED THE MOMENT!" I said

"Hahahahaha! I did... Then that's great! Anyways that not I wanted to discuss.. I wanted to discuss if you can implant those tentacles onto yourself again.." Arata said

"Implant tentacles! It's a no! I don't want to be all crazy and almost die!" I said

"Fine... Then... help me kill people" Arata said

I thought in my mind... Kill people?

"K-Kill innocent people... Why!" I said

"Because... You make a great killer one day.. and with the help of Nagisa.. You won't be going anywhere with that help.. Besides after all I am the best killer out there.. I mean don't you want Maru jealous? Or Nagisa jealous hahaha" Arata said

Its like he read my mind...

"I'll think about it..." I said

"Weeeeelll... About that... I need a answer now.. Or I'll have to do something to you hehehehehe" Arata said

"I'll think about it within 1 hour! Just give me 1 hour and I'll have your answer by then please!" I said

"Fine... Well look at the time... Time do fly by, doesn't it? It's 7:35 PM already .. Come on I'll walk you home" Arata said

"Walk home with you.. I'll pass" I said

"URG! .. So you do want to get raped? Fine fine" Arata said

"I can handle fine thank you very much jeez" I said

I finally say my goodbyes to Arata and leave.

"Hmm I wonder what's Nagisa doing... Maybe he's eating dinner.. Or Sleeping!! Ohh Nagisa-kun" I said

I thought in my mind what if Nagisa and I were married that would make... Akari Shiota! Oh lord! It's perfect!

All of a sudden I heard noises around the bushes

"A-Arata-kun? Stop it.. I know it's you" I said

Then a shadow stepped out from the bushes and the sight that awaited me was a tall guy wearing a black mask with blood marks all over and he was wearing red shirt and black pants...

I slowly backed away and ran as fast as I can and find myself in a dead end of a cornered alley.. I know for sure ... this is indeed my death ...

"Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, AKARI YUKIMARU, AGE 16, BLOOD TYPE AB, DIE DIE DIE DIE" said the tall man

I widen my eyes ... H-How did he know my name and my blood type and my age!

The a quick slash sound came and I opened my eyes and the sight awaits me... was blood slaughtered and a man with a sword that had blood in their hand.
It's A-Arata-kun!

-sighs- "Kayano.. Are you okay?" Arata said

I can't believe it .. The way Arata slaughtered him was so fast.. I didn't even see it.. It was like a quick flash of killing!

"I-Im fine, Thank you for saving me I.. I really appreciate it" I said

Arata looking down and out of nowhere laughing hysterically.

"Hahahahahahhahahaahhahahahahahahaha! I didn't save you sweetie.. I came to kill .. and smell the victory of defeat from this fella, Now... Kayano.. What is your answer?" Arata said

I gripped down and finally have my answer.

"Yes" I said

That's it for this chapter! Thanks for reading and supporting my fanfiction! Next chapter is going to take a turn with plot twist so be ready! Also! REMEMBER THIS IS A NAGIKAE FANFIC NOT A ARAYANO OR KAYATA FANFIC! IM JUST TAKING SOME TURNS AND PLOT TWIST! THERE WILL BE A CONFESSION FOR KAYANO AND NAGISA... But the problem is... Who's going to confess? Hehehehehe that's for your imagination to think about it hehehehehe!

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(If you are going to share this to any social media about my chapter or my nagikae fanfiction, please give me credit! It's not nice giving credit to someone who created this story!)

Enjoy your weekend minna :)

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