Chapter 15: Sleeping

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I look across the table and see Maru still clinging arms with Nagisa.

I wish I was Maru right now so I can be the one clinging arms with Nagisa. But sadly I'm just a flat chested girl.. Seeing Maru with big breasts makes me want to kill her despite.. Nagisa hanging out with her sometime.. Does Nagisa like big breasts or flat chested?? URG! This is so complicated!

"Sweeetie closeeee your eyeseee!" Maru said with excitement

"Why?" Nagisa said

Nagisa mother looked at Nagisa with a expression of "You better do it, or else I'll send you back to Class A!"

"Fine! Fine! Just this once.." Nagisa said

Nagisa closes his eyes and just that moment .. I knew Maru was going to do...

Maru is going to kiss Nagisa

But.. not on my watch she won't!

I used my spoon and filled it with rice and flicked it at her just about she was about to touch lip to lip toward Nagisa.

"Hey! What was that for you dweeb!" Maru said

Nagisa opens his eyes and is shocked to see Maru so close to his face

"I'm sorrrrrrry, my spoon slipped haha" I said

"Grrrrr" Maru said quietly

"Ms Kayano-chan! We don't do that in the table!" Nagisa mother said

I bowed down

"I'm sorry" I said

I looked up and Nagisa gave me a look of "Thanks"

I blushed and covered it

"What's wrong Kayano?" Nagisa said

"Oh it's nothing... heh.. Just a bit tired" I said

Nagisa stands up and comes to me and places his right hand on my forehead.

"You have a high fever Kayano" Nagisa said

I thought in my mind ... I have a high fever?! No wonder I'm dazing off and losing balance.

I guess I have to go home for the day .. I really wanted to hang with Nagisa.. Now stupid Maru is going to steal him from me!

"I guess I'll be going home.." I said with a sadden face

"No no no! It's raining out there! I don't want you to catch a cold or anything! You can ... sleep in my bed!" Nagisa said with a blush

"I-I shouldn't!" I said

"Yea! She should just go home and let her mother take care of her! *whispers to herself* She should have died when those tentacled were implanted into her before!" Maru said

I grr at her and she grr back

"I insist!.. I mean.. I can't stand it anymore.. You don't have a family and you're sister... I .. I want to be the one to take care of you! Or my mother can! I mean... AHG!" Nagisa said bright red blushing

"You don't have a mother or father or.. A sibling! You can stay here as long as you want darling! ... But for 3 days that is... Or 1 day!" Nagisa mother said

"U-Uh I'll just stay here for 1 day .. heh.." I said with a sigh

I can't believe it.. Staying here with Nagisa! This is like a dream come true!

"Then where am I going to sleep!" Maru said

"You're still going to sleep in the couch, I'll just use a futon and sleep in my room. But Kayano can use my bed..." Nagisa said with a deep blush

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