Chapter 29: 2 v 1

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"What are you waiting for Kayano! Let's settle this with a friendly battle! Hahaha!" Yamata said

I looked down and gripped hard

I know I'm not strong enough

But I have to at least try!

That moment I felt one hand on my shoulder and turned around and it was Nagisa

"I-I won't let you battle alone... I'm going to help .... Because I don't want to lose you" Nagisa said

I widen my eyes and hug him

Then that moment another hand was pressed on my shoulder and turned around .... It was Arata.

"Hey... I don't want to lose you either .... And I gladly would love to battle this punk! I love to beat the crap out of him.... Because I'm prepared ..." Arata said

I looked at Nagisa and Arata and nod and turned to Yamata

"I'm not alone..." I said

"Ohohoho! Well then...." Yamata said

Yamata snapped his fingers and that awaits was the black cloaked person rising.

"This will be a 2v3 ahaha!" Yamata said

That moment was a struck of lightning ..... I was attacked by Yamata so fast.... It was like a flash of light heading toward me

"How does it feel!" Yamata said

"I won't let you!" Nagisa said

Nagisa jumps in and attacks Yamata and jump pounds him with a triangle arm choke.

"Heh" Yamata said

Yamata disappears and makes a jump attack from behind and that moment I jumped in and attacked him and made him flying to the wall.

"Tch.. Tch!" Yamata said

Arata came running to black cloaked person and sliced attack her everywhere and that moment the black cloaked person jumped and attacked him, leaving him blood onto his forehead

".... I'm sorry" Aya said

"What for! I don't know you! ...." Arata said

Aya looks down and that moment Arata attack jump and attacks Aya and that big reveal awaits him

The black cloaked was shredded and what reveals was Aya true form.

Arata widen his eyes

"No... No ... way..... Onee-San!" Arata said

"I.... I didn't want you to see me like this, I'm sorry..." Aya said

"What for! I killed you! Why.... Why are you here!" Arata said

"My... My boss reincarnated me ... and I was set for a mission ... to destroy this world ... and when I found out you would be here... I was excited and sad at the same time... But...." Aya said while looking down

Arata looks down and faces Aya

"Why... Why are you helping this punk! I forgive you! Just... Please! Be in our side!" Arata said

"Heh... It's isn't easy little brother .... If I help you... I'll die from my boss..." Aya said

"I'll stop that! After all..... I'm a assassin! I was trained by you onee-san!" Arata said

"...... Alright then... But do you remember our secret reveal attack little brother?" Aya said with tears and joy

"Of course I do onee-san!" Arata said

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