Chapter 10: Stealing her from me

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I finally stand up and apologize to Kayano for falling on top of her.

"I'm sorry... If I did that again.. Kayano..." I said

I held out my hand to Kayano, her warm hand pressed to mines and she stands up.

"N-Nagisa ... It's fine... It's .. Fine... It was just an accident that's all.. But I'm glad you saved me from that sharp knife aiming at me.." Kayano said

I smiled.

"Oh.. heh.. It was nothing ... But who through that?" I said

I immediately looked at Arata

"Whaaaaat! I didn't do it this time! I was literally next to you guys, besides it came from the distance.. And Kayano .. .. You seem to have a scratch on your arm .. Let me take care of you.. After all a true assassin knows what's right and what's wrong" Arata said with a smirk

"Urf! She's fine! It's just a scratch! But... It does look like it going to swell, oh! I have the thing to do it to cover th—

"My, My .... What's this fuss about" A mysterious voice came from the distance.

I looked up the distance of the hill and it was a guy who was wearing black jacket and was wearing a hoodie and was wearing gray sweatpants and tucked in were dark boots he was wearing. It seemed like he has darkish blue hair.

".........Y-Y-Yamata-kun!" Kayano said while running toward him

Kayano hugs Yamata

"Hey! Hey! What's the big idea aiming a real sharp knife at Kayano.. Mr. Snitch!" Arata said

For once.. This is the only time I agree on Arata...

"Yeah! She could've got hurt!" I said

"Guys! Guys! It's not a real sharp knife ... It's just a stunt knife for acting.." Kayano said


Wait acting?

"Heh .. Hahahahaha! It's been such a long time Kayano-chan! I missed your cute little face!" Yamata said

I twitched a little .. Cute? Urggggg

"Hey! You listening to me! You brat!" Arata said

"Just.. who do you think your talking to ... oh and please stop calling me weird nicknames. I'm very fond with those stupid nicknames but it really isn't going anywhere! Plus.. Where's your sister? Ha.. Hahahahahahahahaha!" Yamata said

I looked at Arata.. He looks really angry.

"Yamata-kun! Just stop already! We're already reunited.. Can you just please for.. once stop joking around with people please!" Kayano said

Arata is walking toward Yamata with a look of killing

"You.. know.. I don't know how you know my sister.. But don't you ever bring her up .. Or else I'll rip your face apart into pieces of .. This is a warning" Arata said while walking toward classroom

"Heh.. That little kid is sure is uneasy.. But.. Oh! Who are you little man!" Yamata said

I twitched a little and gave him a death glare/stare.

"Ooooooh this guy is a feisty one.." Yamata said

"....My name is Shiota Nagisa..." I said

"That's a nice name for the likes of you ha hahahahaha! Anyways my name is ... *giving a death stare toward Nagisa* Yamata Uzika" Yamata said

Yamata goes and hugs Kayano more and just that moment he kisses her cheek and .. that's when I blew it

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