Chapter 25: Girl

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I open my eyes and stood up and look around my surroundings....

Oh ... I'm in my room...

I look toward my right and I see Nagisa sleeping on my bed with his arms as a pillow.

Aw what a cute sight

I look over my clock

It's .... 11 AM! I overslept!!

I should be at school!

I sat up in my bed and took three steps and that moment, someone grabbed on to me and put there arms around my stomach.

I turn around and it was Nagisa

"N-Nagisa!" I said

"Kayano... Where are you going?" Nagisa said

"O-Oh! I have to go school of course! You too! I—

"Kayano... It's the holidays haha... You should get some rest.. I'll go to a store to pick up some ingredients to cook lunch.." Nagisa said

"B-But! I should be the one cooking!" I said

".... I just .... want to show you... how good of a cook I am.... Please?" Nagisa said

I do need some rest... But I want to be with Nagisa....

"Okay... I'll get some rest..." I said

"Alright! ... Okay I'll be back in an hour and I'll have lunch ready in no time!" Nagisa said with a smile

Nagisa heads out and closes the door

I jump in my bed and have my arms lay flat

"Ughhh..! What can I do in an hour! I can't sleep anymore! I just... I just.. want to be with Nagisa more!" I said

Then a thought came across my mind... How did I end up in my room?

Another thought came in my mind ...

That's right... I was getting teased lot by Karma and Nakamaru.. and then Nakamaru wanted to show me something and I agreed and ...


I started to blush even more and ran to the sink and started rubbing my lips with water.

.... That had ... to be the worst thing I ever agreed too...

I pressed my lips and thought about Nagisa...

That's right... Our first kiss... was me being crazy over killing Korosensei ...

Then our second kiss... was falling on top of eachother when I running away from Yamata

Then our final kiss .. was me about to leave Japan...

I grabbed a pillow and tried to hide my blush

"Ohhhh Nagisa.... I wish I can be with you more ... How long do I have to act.. as your friend in school ...." I said

I stood up and walked toward my drawer and slide it and grabbed a photo.

"Hmm... So this is what happened when I fell asleep in the closet with Arata.... N-Nagisa carried me... Heh... I feel ... special..." I said

I hugged the photo and thoughts about Nagisa

"Maybe... I should make something for him..!" I said

I grabbed all the things that I needed to make this special gift for him!

"Alright! I can do this! Nagisa favorite color is blue! So! Here I go!" I said


A Twisted LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora