Chapter 35: Festival

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"Great! You guys got the decorations!" Megu said

"Yup!" Kayano said

I smile at Kayano and Kayano smiles back

"Do you guys need anything else or need help?" I said

"Oh, that's okay... We already got everything else, Chiba and Hayami are bringing some bullets to lighten the fireworks more brighter... You guys can go home
now.. But remember to come back at 6:30 PM!" Megu said

"Hahaha... Don't worry we'll be there.." I said

"Mhm!" Kayano said

We said our goodbyes to Megu and the others.

"Phewww.." I said

"I'm heading toward ... my apartment .. So I can get ready..." Kayano said

"Kayano... We have till 6 PM to be there at the festival... Do you want to stay with me.... Till 4PM?" I said

"Uhhhh... sure!" Kayano said


We finally arrive at my house/ish

I open the door, awaiting I see mother sitting in the couch

"Mother!" I said

"Oh.. Nagisa! .... Kaede-chan! What brings you all here!" Mother said

"I thought you went ... looking for a job..." I said

"Nonsense! We're rich!" Mother said

"Mother...." I said

"Anyways... Nagisa! You should go and get ready for the festival!" Mother said

"Oh... okay.... Kayano?" I said

"It's fine! I'll stay here.." Kayano said

"Oh... okay.... you don't have to wait for me... you can always leave..." I said while heading upstairs

"Mhm" Kayano said


I head toward the door and a hand was placed against my head, I looked up and it was Nagisa mother

"Where doooo you think you're going?" Nagisa mother said

"U-Uh.... home? ..... to get ready..." I said

"Ready for what..... Don't tell me.... For bed with—

"No! No! Ready for the festival!" I said

"Oh... That's right... You're his classmate... I sometime forget that you exist..." Nagisa mother said

"E-Excuse me?!" I said

"Oh... sorry... It's just I'm worried about ... my son... Nagisa" Nagisa mother said

"Ms. Nagisa mother! You don't have to worry about a thing! N-Nagisa is doing great! Ever since... We started dating... He helped me accomplished everything in my studies..... and protecting me" I said

"I see... So ... I was right ... ever since you two began dating.... Nagisa always wake up with a big smile..." Nagisa mother said

I widen my eyes

I-I made him.... happy....?

"Wait! What do you mean?" I said

"Nagisa been feeling down a bit... Ever since I and his dad stepped out... He's been trying to be feel happy .... But thanks to you... You made him more happy.... Thank you Kaede-Chan" Nagisa mother said

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