Chapter 11: Dinner

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Yamata still holding my hand..

"Yamata-kun.. You know you can let go now?" I said

Yamata turn to me and let go.

"... Kayano-chan?" Yamata said

He turned to me and put his arms to my shoulder and gripped

"Y-Y-Yes?" I said

"Would you like to go dinner with me?" Yamata said

Wait... What? I mean I know it's been forever ... But what about the acting?

"... Huh? What about the roles for acting?" I said

He looked at my face and put his two fingers in the bottom of my chin.

"I lied. I just wanted to spend more time with you.. I mean ... You allllllways hang out with that ..  What was his name? Hmm... Oh yea ... Nagisa.. You always hang out with Nagisa.. But it's time for us to reunite and ..get to know each other more after when we were kids." Yamata said

"You know you could've told me! I would've invited Nagisa-kun to join in and maybe...  Just.. Maybe you guys can get along?" I said

He took his two finger out from my chin and walked two steps and stop and puts his hand in the brush of his hair.

"Invite him? Haha.. Hahahahahahahaha! That's child talk.. I don't want a love triangle, besides we're childhood friends and it's been forever that we talked and laughed.. So at least accept my offer?" Yamata said

He is right... We haven't had that chance to talk or laugh or even get to know each other.


L-Love T-Triangle!?!?

I started having swirly eyes

"Um... Kayano-chan? Are you okay? Hellllllo" Yamata said while waving his hand in front of my face

"O-Oh! I'm fine.. I just need a moment to think.." I said

"Hmm that's fine bu—

"Kayano! I'm so glad you're here I was just going to give your purse! You left it in your desk!" Nagisa said

I'm drooling again AHG!

"O-Oh! I'm sorry if I caused you to come all the way here! But I'm really glad you found my purse.. Because I thought I forgot about something.. Thank you Nagisa-kun!" I said while blushing

"N-No Problem!" Nagisa said

"Tsk tsk tsk. We should be heading out now Kayano-chan" Yamata said

"I thought you guys were going to the acting roles? You guys just past the place nearby us... Is everything okay?" Nagisa said

"Y-Yea! We were heading to ... D-Dinn—

"We're going now Kayano-chan" Yamata said

".......You're going to dinner?" Nagisa said

"....... Yes... Why do you care?" Yamata said

"I care... It's just.." Nagisa said

Nagisa turns to me

"Kayano.. D-Did you lie to me? .. So you wouldn't go to the movies with me?" Nagisa said

"N-No! No! It's just ... hehe.. Yamata .. Uh... Lied to me .. And said he wanted to go to dinners with me instead! But! Nagisa! I want you to come too!" I said

Nagisa and Yamata reaction was "WHAT... WITH THIS GUY?!?"

"Are you serious?" Yamata said

"I insist .. I mean ... .. I guess" Nagisa said

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