|| Chapter 1 ||

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My Life

Dear Diary,
This is Lee Hana, May 20th 2010. It has started again, the pain, the confusion and the feelings in my body. I felt more fur growing on my body and my senses has become exceptionally good. I can even hear needle dropping. It's driving me crazy! I won't be able to handle this anymore!

I re-read my diary over and over again, reminiscing the days when I'm a human. That's right, I'm not fully a human. I'm a werewolf. I look around my cold dark room, I wonder how it will be like if I'm still a human, will I be happier? Will I feel safer? I don't know.

I went out of my room after placing my diary in my bag, I can't live here anymore. It's 3 am in the morning, my parents should be asleep by now. Now you may wonder, why don't I get a luggage right? Well.. I don't want to live anymore, all those pains I have felt over 6 years, the year where I got bitten, I can't endure it anymore. I'm planning to commit suicide when 6am strike.

As I began wearing my red converse high, the front door slowly opened, revealing my drunk step-brother.

"Hana. What are you doing? Where are you going?" He look at me with lust. I'm not going to let him rape me again. Not when I'm gonna die.

"Fuck off Hansol." I spat at him

"Someone's feisty today huh. I guess I need to punish this bad girl." He grabbed me by my bag-pack and threw me on the couch, I tried to fought back as he climb over me and tried to kiss me.

"Fuck off Hansol!" I shouted, not caring if it's going to wake my parents up, they don't even care if I got raped or not.

He grab my bag and threw it aside, my clothes flew out because the zip was faulty. I could feel fur starting to grow and I know that my werewolf self is going to appear soon. I immediately uses my werewolf strength to push Hansol away from me.

"What happened? HANA!" My parents look at me with big wide eyes. They are probably mad because I hurt their one and only precious son. And yes, I'm right, they went towards him and caress his face and pulled him out without even checking if I'm alright or not.

"Hana! What were you doing to your brother? Look at him! He's all bruised!" Hansol put up a sympathetic look and now my parents are blaming me.

"How I wish I did not have you as my daughter you beast!" My dad roared at me. And that's the last straw. I felt my hairy beastly self overcoming me, I growled at them. And they were scared, they were afraid I'm going to eat them up or barbecue them but all I said was...

"I fucking hate you." With that, I gathered and stuff all my scattered clothing into my bag and ran out of the house.

"Hana! Hana!" I could hear them calling, but I didn't care. I ran and ran, I don't know where I'm going. I'm just running to where my legs would support me.

I hate my family.


Author's note: in the diary, the sign off "Hana'12" means Hana has written that diary when she's 12 years old. Every chapter will have a 'diary' in the beginning to walk you through the things that has happened to Hana. So yep.. This is the first chapter, I hope you guys will like this book! ^^ and I hope you like my new template ^^


Written on: 7 May 2016

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