|| Chapter 2 ||

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Dear diary,
This is Lee Hana, June 20th 2010. I can't handle this anymore. My senses have become so sensitive... I can smell human blood... Is this what werewolves should be sensitive of? Help me... Someone please...

I ran and ran, I wish this could stop. I bumped into a couple of people but I didn't care, their blood still smell nice to me but no--I'm not going to turn into those bloodsucking monsters called vampires. I'm not going to let that happen. I ran into the woods, that's where I belongs to...

I know that in the woods, there are 2 clans, the vampires and the werewolves. The reason why I know about this? Well, except for my family and I, no humans know about this. I was told by the wolf that has bitten me that if I ever need help, just run straight into the woods located on the east, that's where all werewolves live.

And that's where I'm going to head to before I die, I'm planning to seek my revenge. I'm going to kill the wolf that made me into a beast. I remember how he looks like and I remember his name. His name is Kim. Jong. In. I can never forget that smirk of his when he bit me at the age of 12.

I ran straight, hoping to find him. I use my hands to cup my lips and shouted his name, my shout echoed back.

All of a sudden, a gush of wind came, making me close my eyes because of it and when I open my eyes, I'm no longer in the forest, I'm in a house, a pretty run down one.

"I see you are looking for me." There he comes, the one that bit me, Kim Jong In. He looks the same after all these years.

I look at him with hatred and anger. I want to kill him right now.

A part of me didn't want to kill him but a part of me wants to finish him off. Whenever I breathe in, my nose will smell his disgusting blood.

"So.. What's up Hana?" My ears perk up as he called my name. I can't believe he has the cheek to ask me what's up.

"Why, why did you bit me?" I asked coldly

"You really want to know why?" He ask as he walk near me. I growled at him angrily, I could feel something else growing and it's definitely not my werewolf self.

"Oh look. You're going to transform into a vampire." Hearing what he had just said, my eyes widened, furrowed my eyebrows and that thing stopped growing.

"What? What did you just say? What vampire?" I asked

"Okay. Let me tell you why I bit you. That year, you were 12 right? You was bitten by a vampire--"

"What? I thought I was bitten by you?!"

"Shh.. Wait listen to me. You was bitten by a vampire called Jackson, he didn't suck your blood though, I wonder why. It's like Jackson purposely want to make you a vampire. But then because you were so young, you might not be able to control your vampire self so I bitten you AFTER Jackson left." He explained

"What.. But why did I--"

"Become a werewolf first when a vampire clearly bitten you first? The thing is, I hired a witch to put a spell on you. The spell will make you change into a werewolf first and when the spell fade off which should be when you turned 18, you will slowly become a vampire." He explained, I slowly calmed myself down and process about whatever he just said.

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