|| Chapter 7 ||

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Dear Diary,
This is Hana Lee, 20th November 2010. I'm going back to school now... We moved to a new place, to a more remote place.. And to a new school, Hansol stop abusing me already. They started treating me better but not good yet..

[ Suga ]

As I heard what Hana was thinking about in her head, I couldn't help but to get worried. Should I tell the others about her plan?

I should confront her and ask her about it before jumping into conclusion.

[ Hana ]

I took another pill and tried to go to sleep but I can't. Someone knocked on my door and came in before I could even answer it.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to cutie Hana! Happy birthday to you!" All 7 of them clap their hands and smiled brightly at me except for Suga, he looks bothered by something.

"Thank you... Although... I didn't expect that this would how I'm gonna celebrate my 18th birthday..." I sighed loudly as I looked around

"Say, I'm really curious about your age.. All of you look so young..." Jhope jumped in front of me happily

"Well, our age is just our human age plus a 0. Jin's human age is 25 so his vampire age is 250, Jungkook's human age is 20 but actual age is 200. So yep, 1 human age is equivalent to 10 vampire years. Which also mean, we grow old fast. And we hope you can call us 'Oppa' " He explained to me. At the point of time, my brain is already confused by all these calculation.

"But how do you guys look so young..?" They looked at each other before walking towards me and smirked at me.

"We drink human blood" They said in unison and lick their lips.

"Hey hey... I'm not a human anymore! Don't look at me like that!" I protested when I saw their fangs growing out and their eyes turning red.

"Although you're no longer a full human, you still have the human blood smell. And my would I say, you smell absolute sweet and delicious." Jimin sat beside me as he caresses my neck.

*no! I don't want to die!* I screamed in my head and all of a sudden, Suga pushed Jimin away from me.

"Hyung! What's your problem!" Jimin shouted as he tried to grab me but Suga stood in front of me and protected me. He stare deeply into Jimin's eyes and all of a sudden, everyone except Suga disappeared--or more like left the room but because they move so fast, I thought they disappeared.

*w-what happened...*

"Get some sleep now okay?" Suga tugged me into bed and turned around to face the door. I quickly grab onto his wrist.

"W-wait!" He turned around and raise an eyebrow, I immediately sat up to ask him questions.

"How did you do that... I mean... All you did was... Staring into Jimin's eyes and everyone calmed down and left the room... H-how.." I looked up at him and he smile. He left the room without telling me anything and did I mention that he left the room like everyone else? I know they're vampires but they seems more like a ghost.

I took out my diary which is kept in the drawer beside my bed and started writing everything that has happened today. After awhile, my eyes felt heavy and I went to bed.


Author's note: hehe Suga and his power. Hope you enjoyed this chapter~


Written on: 14 May 2016

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