|| Chapter 4 ||

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Unfamiliar Place

Dear Diary,
This is Lee Hana, August 20th 2010. I don't wanna live anymore... My parents start abusing me... The only time I can be happy is when we're out... That's the only time they will be 'nice' to me... Recently, I have become hairier and my nails start to grew sharper... I don't know what to do... It hurts so bad..

"Hyung, she's awake."

As I opened my eyes, I'm in a complete different room. The run-down cottage has become a beautiful house and everything is no longer the same, wait, this is still the same day right?

*where am I?* I tried to rub my eyes to see clearer but my hands were tied to a chair.

"Hana Lee... 2010... Werewolf? Hmm interesting..." A guy with dimples came near me and read, he snapped the book which seems like my diary close.

"Let me go!" I shouted as I tried to free myself but the more I struggle, the tighter the ropes get.

"Don't even bother, this rope won't be untie unless you have the spell for it." Another male came

"W-Who are you all?" Normally, I won't be afraid of kidnappers because I'm always prepared to die but not today, they look too intimidating with their pale skin, sunken eyes and red lips.

*wait... They don't look normal...*

"That's because we're not a werewolf nor a human." A shorter male with sexy face said as if they could hear my mind.

*wait... If they can read my mind... That means they're...*

"Vampires. That's right. We're the protector of the vampire clan, BTS. My name is Rapmonster, this is V and this is Jimin. I hope you're doing well today." He smirked at me as he uses his finger to caress my face and trace my jawline.

"D-don't touch me..." I whimpered

"Aww is little Hana scared of us?" Jimin came closer and started touching my face and then he slowly went lower, from my chin to my jawline to my neck, he licks his lips.

"W-What do you guys want?" Jimin, V and Rapmonster looked at each other before turning back to me, "We want your blood." Rapmonster finally said and I could tell they're really... Thirsty? I guess I could use that word here. Their fangs start to grow and their eyes are turning into crimson red.

"N-no..." I don't want to die here, not until I seek my revenge. I shut my eyes tightly, preparing for all the pain from the bites and all, but after waiting for about twenty seconds, nothing happens and I open my eyes.

*e-eh? Where are they?* All 3 of them are no longer in the room

[ Rapmon ]

As we were about to 'snack' on her, Jin spoke to us through telepathy, one of the ability vampires have as a 'family'.

"Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin, don't eat her yet. Come down to the library."

After hearing Jin Hyung's call, we went to the library immediately, leaving Hana there.

"Hyung, what is it?" We sat in circles, something we always do when we go to the library.

"Hana, what is she." Jin asked as he furrowed his eyebrows

"A werewolf, why?" I replied immediately

"Does she smell different?"

Now that I think of it, she DOES smell different, it's not entirely a werewolf... Not entirely human...

"She's a mix between vampire, werewolf and human?" I questioned Jin who nodded slowly.

"Yes, she was bitten by King Jackson and EXO's Kai, which I guess he placed some spell on her that made her werewolf more dominant than her vampire, but don't worry guys, she's becoming one of us soon." Jin explained

"No way. A werewolf? One of us? No fucking way that's gonna happen." Suga said

"But Hyung, she's a hybrid of WEREWOLF and VAMPIRE, you know the rules, hybrids have to be killed." Jungkook emphasizes on the species.

"Of course I know the rule--"

"Jin's right, we HAVE to make her one of us. We HAVE to bond with her." Everyone look at me like I was crazy except for Jin

"Bruh, you crazy. She's a werewolf, we're not suppose to keep a werewolf." Jimin argued back

"Yes I know. But don't forget, she's a VAMPIRE too. Besides, she's going to be the most powerful type AB vampire, and if we don't bond with her, other vampires will steal her away from us and become more powerful than us. Do you want that to happen?" I look at everyone who shook their head after awhile.

"But how can we convince her into bonding with us? She will definitely not want it right?" Hoseok asked

"We don't convince her, we force her." Suga said lazily

"Exactly one week later, she's gonna turn into a vampire and whenever a human changes into a vampire, they'll get extremely thirsty and can't control themselves right? They need blood immediately or else they'll die, Taehyung should know the struggle." Jin said and Taehyung nodded his head and shivers in fear.

"We'll torture her for this one week, make her super weak so that when she turns into a vampire, she will agree to whatever we're saying, sounds like a good plan?" All of us agreed on what Jin said

*Lee Hana, watch out of what we're gonna do to you.* I smirked


Author's note: thanks for reading this chapter! And at every chapter, it will all be in Hana's POV or 'your' POV unless I put something like this [ Rapmon ]

So yep, I hope you enjoy this chapter~ I really like where this plot is going! 😊


Written on: 12 May 2016

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