|| Chapter 6 ||

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Red Juice

Dear Diary,
This is Hana Lee, 20th October 2010. I feel like killing someone, I don't know why... I just feel the urge to bite someone's head off.

[ Suga ]

"Shit." I cursed as I saw Hana fainting, smoke was coming out of her back. I ran towards her and quickly untie the rope, carrying her as fast as possible to the couch and I place her head on my lap.

"Aish. Why is this pabo so stubborn. Namjoon, give me the bag." After Namjoon handed me the bag, I ripped it off using my fangs and open Hana's mouth slightly to pour the content inside her.

"Come on, drink drink..." I impatiently said as she was not swallowing the blood, it's like she's fighting against something that can save her life.

"Hyung, it would be hard for her to accept the taste, let me do it." Taehyung come toward me and took the bag.

He slowly pour the blood into her mouth again, and her face showed disgust and displeasure, most probably it's the taste.

"Yoongi, move. I need to remove her clothing, we need to put this powder on her before her wound get infected." Jin said and carried her into his room.

If there is one person that could handle girls with no lust, it would be Jin. Jimin and Taehyung would just ogle at Hana. Namjoon might break her, Jungkook is still a fetus, Jhope would just be too shy. While me... I could care less about her wound.

After awhile, Jin came back with Hana's bloody clothing. My fangs were already growing when I smell her blood.

*it smell so sweet...* I look towards Jimin who is trying to control himself and then to Jungkook who is having a hard time.

*hyung... Eotteoke... I-I...* Taehyung trailed off his thoughts and breathes heavily, I went towards him and immediately look into his crimson red eyes. I'm one of those vampire who can mind-read and control people through their mind, that's kinda my power.

As I looked into his eyes, I saw a little boy who look just like him, he was having so much fun until...

Taehyung shut off his mind before I could get to the next part.

"Come on V, you have to let us know about your past if not we can't help you." I place my hand on his shoulder and rub it like a mother? I don't know, I guess more like a grandpa.

"Hyung.. Mianhae.. I'm not ready yet.. I'll let y'all know when I'm more comfortable ne?" I nodded and he went to his room.

V is not a regular vampire, he's a type AB, just like Hana. He was bitten when he's a kid, but he refuses to tell us who bit him or what exactly happened which made us really worried because he would be so emo and depressed for the rest of the day. I hope he really opens up to us one day.

[ Hana ]

"Ugh.." I groaned as I touched my head, I think I'm having a fever...

*wait I'm still alive? How...*

"Because we saved you." Jin appeared in front of me and place a weird looking congee and also a glass of 'red juice' on the table.

"All your belongings like your clothing, toiletries and a book is kept neatly for you. If you need help finding missing underwear or bra, go find Suga or Jungkook or me."

"Oh and you'll need this." He passes a packet of pills to me and left the room. The packet says 'painkiller'

*i thought I won't feel pain anymore.. But I guess this is not the case huh..* I ate the congee which taste absolute horrible-as usual.

And then I look deeply into the 'red juice', I grab the glass and hesitated for awhile before drinking the 'juice'.

"Mm.." I hummed in pleasure as the iron-y taste filled my mouth and my throat doesn't feel dry anymore. After my meal, I took one of the pill and went down, with the bowl, utensils and cup.

"Hana's awake!" V beamed at me when he saw me walking down the stairs

"I see you've finished my congee." Jin came near me and took the dishes from my hand before handing it to one of the servant.

"Your congee?" I raised an eyebrow at him

"Yep! I cooked it! How was the taste?" Jin look so happy and was anticipating for my answer, all of them look so different from before... I mean they still look hot but they're more friendly-er now?

*what should I do... Tell the truth or a white lie...* I was hesitating whether to answer him until Suga came to me and grab my chin to tilt my head up. He look deeply into my eyes before smirking and left.

*what was that about...* my heart was pumping quite fast just now and I'm pretty sure they heard it.

"Come on! Tell me the truth! Your honest opinion!" Jin was practically jumping up and down, waiting for my answer, the other 6 was staring at me, waiting for my answer as well.

"Well... It's... Not bad..." I raise a thumbs up for him and smiled awkwardly. He fist pump the air and cheered for himself, which made me laugh a little.

"Hana" I spun around, only to see Rapmon staring into my eyes.

"Y-yes?" I was still kinda scared of him as I'm pretty sure he's the type A vampire.. The dominant and most powerful one.

"Nothing." Rapmon simply said and went to somewhere else, with Jin.

*Although they are all so nice now, I'm not going to forgo my motive which is to kill Jackson. I'm going to escape this place and kill him. I don't care if I'm gonna die, I am WILLING to die with him.*


Author's note: I don't really know Got7 so their cameo will be quite less sorry to Got7 fans! Hopefully I will know them better when I'm writing about them

Written on: 12 May 2016

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