|| Chapter 3 ||

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Dear Diary,
This is Lee Hana again, July 20th 2010. This is exactly the fourth month already, the pain is getting worse. My parents seem to find out about it... My step-brother often come home drunk... He--he raped me yesterday... I don't know what to do... Umma and appa doesn't believe me... They call me a 'hairy monster'... They no longer dotes on me anymore...

I tried to run away, but there were too many. There were 13 werewolves chasing me. I think they're the 'Kings' of this clan. They growled and ran even faster.

They were faster than me because they have transform into a werewolf, I can't transform... I don't know how to transform. I ran further and further and they finally catch up with me. They formed a circle surrounding me.

*shit I'm trapped..* I cursed in my mind

"You vampire. What are you doing here. Don't you know you're not allowed to step into the werewolf territory?" A guy with long-hair shouted

"I'm sorry. I'm--"

"Sorry doesn't explain anything bitch." Next, a tall guy with really handsome look said

"I'm a hybrid of human, werewolf and vampire.. I came here to look for Kai... And now, I'm heading over to the vampire clan--"

"Why? To join them?" Hoshi asked

"No. I'm going there to seek my revenge! After seeking my revenge, I'm going to die.." I said

"Die? What happened?" Another guy who speaks really gentle asked me

"I don't want to live on this earth anymore. It's miserable for me to live here... My parents hate me, my brother raped me and now, I'm putting myself in this deep shit." They seem to sympathize me because their face soften.

"Well... If you don't mind, we can let you join our pack--"

"Bruh you crazy?" Someone said with a weird accent

"Vernon, I'm the leader, I do the decisions. Besides, I'm pretty sure a hybrid will do us good." S.coups said

*so he's the leader?*

"So?" He raise his eyebrow at me while Vernon groans in displeasure.

*I guess he doesn't like me huh.*

"I'll think about it... But... You guys are the 'king' how can you let someone you just met, especially half a vampire, join you guys?" I scratched my head

"Well, I don't know. I just feel like helping you. I mean, if you don't wanna join us, it's totally fine. We'll just let you go to the vampire clan with danger and you'll most probably won't make it to Jackson." S.coups said, the rest was eyeing me. Some were happy, some were mad.

Before I could even reply to him, the long hair guy whispered something to him. Even though it's really soft, I can still hear what they are talking about, I guess it's one of the traits of vampire.

"Coups, I can't trust her. She's a vampire after all. Do you remember what happened to your parents? In addition, hybrids are not suppose to live; they HAVE to die, it's one of the rule remember?"

My eyes widened as I heard what he said to him. Suddenly, S.Coups' eyes turned bloody red and he started growling at me in some werewolves language and all 13 of them turned towards me with the 'I'm-going-to-eat-you-now-bitch' face.

"H-Hey.. Guys..." I shivered as they start barking at me and growling at me.

*guess I have to run then..*

I turned around only to meet with 3 werewolves who tackled me down on the floor.

"Ah!" I screamed in pain as one of them bit my leg and another scratched my face.

"Stop.." Tears start to form in my eyes, this feels exactly like how my family mistreats me but only better. At least, it's only physical pain and not mental pain.

"Stop!" I shouted as someone ripped my shirt apart, revealing my black bra and hands or should I say paws start groping me.

A strong energy grew within me and I don't know how and don't know why, as I uses my human hands to push them, they went quite far. Some were already injured and some were unconscious. 3 down, 10 to go.

*are vampires stronger then werewolves?*

Instead of fighting, I quickly escaped from them, running as fast as I could. I didn't even notice the pain from my injur-- wait it healed.

I don't know where I'm heading to but from a distant, I saw an abandoned old cottage and sprinted there to avoid the werewolves.

As I open the door, it makes a squeaky sound and the entire place is so run down that I feel that it's gonna collapse soon.

Nonetheless, I went in and sat down on the floor. I unzip my bag and the first thing I did was to change my shirt, I mean it's already ripped, what if someone saw my bra? Or try to rape me? After changing, I took out my diary to update it again.

Dear Diary,
This is Lee Hana, May 9th 2016. I'm in some deep shit with vampires and werewolves stuff. As much as I hate to go back to that house, I kinda miss my family... Before they start mistreating me of course. *sigh* how I wish I can turn back time and go back to how it was.. If only I didn't ran into the woods by accident... If only I didn't meet Jackson... If only I fought back... It's raining now... Just like how I feel... I'm sad and helpless... Someone please... Just stop this fantasy shit.

I looked at my watch again, 9am. Although it's early in the morning, I feel extremely restless. Maybe because I didn't sleep much last night or maybe because I was fighting just now. My eyelids start to feel really heavy and I was already drifting to sleep.

Author's note: I hope this chapter is not shabby~ and yep I'm writing all of these chapters beforehand.

Written on: 8 May 2016

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