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i ran, i ran all the way to liam's house and since i was only in boxers and a t-shirt along with a pair of socks, it was a godsend that he lived down the block. i knocked on the frantically, wanting- no needing him to open the door. i heaved for breath, and i felt like the oxygen around me was running away from me.

"fucking christ liam, open the door." i said under my breath, shuddering at the cold wind that hit my near bare legs. the door swung open to reveal a groggy eyed puppy looking man, who is probably going to murder me with a spatula for banging on his door at four a.m.

"someone better have died if your here at this fucking time louis tomlinson." he grumbled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with his balled up fists.

"harry was raped." and then everything went black.

-(i'm not ending it there you silly beans)


he left. he fucking left. three years gone. he cheated on me. someone else was touching my louis. a near perfect relationship down the goddamn drain. fuck this. i want to rewind the past eight months and beg louis not to go on that dam trip. the trip that ruined our- my life.

the last thing i wanted was to lose him, but now, what do i have left?



Media credit to HarrysVelvetyBumhole

TouchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora