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This one may be a bit longer.. I'm planning on ending this book soon, maybe two more chapters..? 



Before Louis walked in, he took a breath. 

"You ready to see Harry?" He asked Freddie, who was gurgling in his seat, looking up at the lights on the ceiling. 

"I think I need to ask myself that." Louis mumbled to himself and pushed open the door. 

The sight in front of him was something he wished he would never see, the man he loved dressed in a hospital gown, laying in a white bed, with white walls around him and a khaki pitcher of water on a mobile table tray. 

Louis took a seat in one of the gray plastic chairs that where next to Harry's bed, placing Freddie's seat in the other chair, he grabbed Harry's large hand, bringing it up to his mouth and kissing it. 

"Harry.." Louis felt a single tear roll down his cheek as he looked more intensely at the man in the bed. He was pale, skinnier. Liam said he was doing good, taking care of himself. Was Liam lying? 

Louis had only seen Harry a few weeks prior to now and he looked completely healthy, bright and vibrant skin, with his unruly hair flying in every other direction. But now he just looked.. dead. Near dead. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Louis let out a small 'come in' and then Anne was coming through the door with a hand other her mouth and tears in her eyes. She had went over to the opposite side of the bed and stroked Harry's hair softly. 

"My poor baby." She muttered and  leaned down and placed a kiss to his forehead. 

"Hello Louis." Anne offered him a smile despite what had happened in the past year. 

"Do you want me to leave?" Louis asked, looking at Freddie who seemed to be falling asleep. He tucked his little blanket under his chin and smiled softly. He must have forgotten Anne was there because he jumped when she spoke up, 

"Cute baby." 

"Thank you Anne." Louis smiled softly at her. 

"He's asleep, now I know it's not my place but I would really like to know what the situation is with my son and you?" And that what Louis was afraid of. Despite Anne being a rather small women, she can be scary when she wanted. 

"Well, I'm pretty sure you know that Harry was r-raped and I cheated on him.. now that isn't something I'm proud of because the look on his face when he found out was enough to make a grown man cry but the girl I cheated on him with, she got pregnant, I had actually hoped the baby wasn't mine but then she explained everything and yeah, eight months later and I have a good little boy to look after. Briana, the girl, umm she didn't want to keep the baby to herself because she wasn't financially stable and she asked me to look after him as long as she got to see him sometimes and of course I accepted because I didn't want my son growing up not knowing who his parents are. Harry had actually visited me a few weeks ago, and he caught me at a really bad time because I was on my way to a job interview with a publishing company, for ya' know, books. I had invited him in and when he saw the baby supplies like diapers and formula, he just kinda froze and then the next thing I know, he's running out of my flat." Louis kept glancing at Harry during his little speech. 



Cliffhanger Kinda? 

Guys first of all, thank you to the people who have read this book, (no i'm not ending it here.) I just need an opinion. 

Should I..? 

A) write two more chapters of this part of the book and put a divider, and then write a sequel kind of thing later? 

B) Finish this book with two more chapters, ending at twenty and an epilogue? 

C) Write a longer story like up to 40 chapters and no epilogue? 

I would really appreciate it if you guys commented you thoughts and opinions. 

BlueFistingGreen Lovely_251 __mendes__ , all helped in some kind of way with this book so, (: . 

Pleeeeeaaaasssseeee comment? 

Also, go read..lucozadelouis 's stories! 

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