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This chapter will all be a flashback, and in third person.


thumping music, sweaty bodies and drunk teenagers. the party of the year, the senior after prom party. (this may make no sense but shh just let it happen.) harry and niall, two underclasses, were currently looking for two different things. niall was looking for the snack table and harry was looking for him lovely boyfriend of six months. of course harry trusted louis, he just didn't trust that he would stay sober for the most part, louis does love to drink.

"niall go look for your food, i'll be fine." harry said, while squeezing through two couples that where sword fighting with their tongues.

"well only if your sure mate." and before harry could respond, niall was gone with a puff of smoke. chuckling, harry proceeded to look through the large house, opening one closet to find two girls making out, a bathroom to find a guy hurling, and three different bedrooms to see three different couples about to do very unholy things. he's looked through the kitchen, the living area, the dining room -where girls where taking body shots-, all three bathrooms- which all had someone hurling- and most of the bedrooms. but none of the rooms seemed to have a certain feather haired, blue-eyed boy.

he finally proceeded to the last room in the house, the master bedroom. he just assumed this was it since there had been a sign on the door saying DO NOT ENTER i red sharpie marker, but the sign had been ignored when he saw the room door slightly ajar.

harry stepped towards the door to hear weird noises (*COUGH COUCH* THE TOUR BUS *COUGH*), he pushed the door open and instantly regretted it, he saw louis on top of a girl, and kissing her with no pants.

and before he knew what he was doing he was shrinking to the floor and letting out choked sobs. this caused louis to pull away from the girl with an annoyed look on his face, and turn around, face immediately softening when he saw who it was, his baby, and this event must have caused him to sober up because he was jumping off the girl, and out of the bed then scrambling to pull him pants up.

harry was still sobbing into his knees, which he had clutched to him stomach, hands locked around his ankles, when louis had knelled in front of him.

"baby.." louis tried. and he felt his heart break when he reached for him and the younger boy jerked back.

"no! you d-on't get to sa-y that you che-ated on me, an-nd don't ev-en say you didn't beca-use you where literately on her. i trusted y-ou." he sobbed, picking his head up. then suddenly he was off the floor and sprinting to find niall. having no luck, he decided to walk home, or run.

while running he heard louis yelling for him to stop, also running.

"harry stop, i- i love you." louis yelled, causing harry to stop in his tracks because, no, no louis wasn't going to save their relationship with three words spoken like lies.

"no you don't." harry didn't stutter, and turning around is when he noticed just how close louis was. and how far he felt.

"go finish your girl, you can do it now without feeling guilty, we're done." harry said thus ending their relationship and his own heart, not knowing he was doing the same to louis.



My love Tate in the media.

I LOVE YOU GUYS BlueFistingGreen and Lovely_251

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