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this chapter is in 3rd person

Louis had no idea that Harry was leaving home, he had no idea that Harry was leaving to liam's house. after calling Niall of course.

Niall wasn't the happiest person when he heard that Louis had cheated, and for his normal bubbly self, that wasn't good. Niall was currently driving them both to liam's house, at five a.m.

"c'mon Harry, you know he loves you." niall tried, only failing when harry spoke again.

"if he loved me he wouldn't have cheated on me, maybe it is my fault because I didn't tell him what happened right away. but he still had no right to cheat. he hurt me, you shouldn't hurt someone you love." yes, Niall knew that Harry was raped, but Niall just thought that Harry and Louis were fine, he was wrong.

"maybe he just doesn't love me anymore, he didn't even look sorry. why do I have to screw everything up?" Harry asked Niall desperately.

"you didn't screw anything up, it was his choice. he had sex with that person voluntarily." niall said, trying to sound sad, when really all he was was well angry.

niall can't help but think this is all his fault.


meanwhile louis and liam were sat on liam's couch, liam trying not to punch louis in the face and louis trying not to burst into tears.

"you knew?" louis asked calmly.

"well.." liam started but was cut off by a fuming louis.

"you knew that my boyfriend was raped and you didn't bother to tell me?!" louis screamed, making liam jump, louis may be slightly smaller (who are we kidding, hes frickin tiny BlueFistingGreen) but he could still scare the shit out of someone if he was angry.

"you can't blame this all on me. i didn't cheat on harry in his time of need, you did." liam said poking louis in the chest, right were his heart is, the one that he broke himself.

"don't you think i know i fucked up? my boyfriend wasn't sleeping or eating or fucking talking, not even letting his own mother hold him, right in front of me and i didn't bother to ask him why he was like that, i just assumed i did something wrong, well i did.. later on." louis said, scratching at the hickey Brianna left on his prominent collar bone. (i swear they were carved by jesus himself. Lovely_251) he wished it would just go away.

"something was wrong with him for such a long time and i..i didn't see it." Louis mumbled into a pillow that he was clutching to his chest, wishing the pillow was his baby and not a collection of cotton and stuffing.

"he's been showing textbook signs of depression louis. like you said he's been dropping weight from not eating, he's been sleeping less and when he does he's probably restless, he barely talks, he never wants to leave the house, even to go on a walk in the park with me, he never missed on those before." liam said, looking to see if louis was getting it.

then there was a knock on the door.



well ,




Media credit to ?? , I put a pic of Lilo because well we need happy times.

I gave the two shoutouts to my lovey doveys!!

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