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"Harry!" Louis said in excitement. He wanted to lean over and kiss him and then everything would be fine but he knew that wouldn't happen. 

"I'm just gonna.." Anne spoke softly and stepped out of the room. But louis didn't miss the sympathetic and warning look she gave him. And suddenly, Louis felt.. trapped. Trapped because of the fact that he has a baby to are for and a man to explain to and a job to worry about and he only wished he could run away to the second star to the right so he could just forget about all of the problems and stay young forever. 

But he knew that's not how it worked. 

He opened his mouth to speak but hushed when Harry spoke up. 

"Louis.. I heard everything you said. You don't need to explain anything." Harry merely whispered from his position where he was laying down. "But I do want to know why you did it, why did you cheat on me? I know I wasn't being the best boyfriend but c'mon.. " 

"I was frustrated. Ya' know, mentally and sexually." Louis muttered. Honestly, Louis felt stupid, he felt like everything he was saying was utter bullshit because it made no scents to him. Why did he have to do this? 

"You mean to tell me that you had sex with a girl you barely know because you were frustrated? While I felt like crap for feeling disgusted with myself, and being traumatized. you cheated on me because you were frustrated?" Harry wasn't yelling, because he never fully got the point in yelling? Feeling dominant? Like you have control over everything? 

"Please Harry, I'm so sorry." Louis got on his knees on the side of Harry's bed.  "Please I love you so much it hurts, like it physically hurts to be away from you, and seeing you in a hospital bed just breaks my heart." Louis was on the verge of tears. 

"I'm not proud of anything I did, I felt like such shit. You weren't the same person after what happened, you changed in my eyes and i think that's what love is right? Being able to love someone after they've changed? After they make mistakes?" Louis grabbed Harry's hand and pressed kisses to it repeatedly, hoping he would forgive him. harry had tears streaming down Harry's face. 

"Louis, I forgive you, but I don't trust you." and Louis completely understood. 

Louis wiped the tears from Harry's face and leaned in so he was hovering over the boy, 

"Can I kiss you?" Louis whispered. 

"I- I think I would be disappointed if you didn't." harry smiled. 

When their lips met, it was like their first kiss back when Harry was a freshie and louis was a junior, soft and full of unspoken love. 

But then  there was crying and Louis chuckled and took Freddie from his seat. 

He bounced him around a little and made funny noises while Harry was smiling at him. Despite, how the baby was made, he was adorable, giggling and gurgling while yanking his daddy's hair. 

"Do you think I could hold him?" Harry asked shyly. 

"Yeah, of course." Louis passed Freddie to Harry and the baby looked at him with a curious expression but then he just gurgled and played with Harry's hair. 

"He already likes you." Louis said, sitting back in the chair. 

"I'm the baby whisperer, all babies love me." Harry playfully rolled his eyes. 

"You know what I call it?" Louis leaned forward.

"What do you call it?" 

"A." Kiss. "Great." Kiss. "Dad." Kiss but it didn't last long because soon Freddie was pushing them apart. 

And yeah, Harry and Louis will be just fine. 


Okay! so Larry is a thing again..? 

And harry is good with Freddie. 

Louis has redeemed himself. 

I would like to thank Lovely_251 for helping with this chapter. 

And freddieismyqueen for making that awesome dam video. my little baies are in love. (': 

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