Take It or Leave It

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I rubbed the sleep out of my groggy eyes. I glanced over at Link, who's head was tilted back, mouth wide open, sound asleep. I twirled my wedding ring around my finger.

It sparkled every time the sun shone on it at just the right angle. The gold glimmered, casting a light on the plane's ceiling.

"Attention, we will be landing shortly, please return to your seats and buckle your safety belts," a squeaky voice exclaimed.

Link nudged against my arm, stretching in his chair.

"Are we there yet?" he whined, adjusting his glasses.

"We'll land soon," I told him. His arm rested next to mine on the armrest.

I wrapped up my tangled headphones, stuffing them into my pocket.

The plane landed smoothly, as Link and I did our best to prepare ourselves for leaving the plane.

Link grabbed our carry on luggage as I stretched my back, and we were on our way. We collected our things pretty quickly, and found a cab.

I climbed in after Link, barking an address at the cab driver. Link pulled his camera out of his pocket.

"Where are we headed Rhett?" he asked, squinting his eyes at the lens.

"To the hotel, to get settled in," I said, trying to squeeze my long legs into a comfortable position.

"I'm excited for tomorrow," Link whispered to the camera, beaming.

"Why?" I asked.

"You weren't supposed to hear that, never mind," he snapped quickly, putting his camera back into his pocket.

"What?" I asked again.

"Don't worry about it, you'll know tomorrow," Link said, patting my back. I winced a little bit. After sitting for long periods of time, my back begins to hurt. Being in a cramped taxi doesn't really help.

~~~~~~~~( ՞ ՞ )~~~~~~~~

"Listen, I ordered a room with two beds, I'm not paying for one," I hissed at the kid behind the counter. I watched the teen push a blonde curl off of his forehead.

"Alright sir, we're booked right now and we accidentally gave your reserved room to a large family, so we can't get it back. We won't charge you for the extra bed, cause there won't be one. You can either take the one-bed room, or go somewhere else," he said, in an uninterested, monotone voice.

My face heated up. I was gonna rip this kid a new one. I took a deep breath, puffed out my chest, and-

"Rhett, it's fine if we share a bed. I don't care, I mean... As long as it doesn't bother you," Link's hushed voice whispered into my ear. His presence made me immediately calm down.

I looked him in the eyes to confirm he wasn't just lying to me. I didn't want him uncomfortable. Not like we haven't shared a bed before, we were college roommates for Christ sakes. It's just that... We're adults now, and it's kind of different.

I turned back to the idiot behind the counter.

"We'll take it."

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