You Can't Love Me

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"You can open them now," Link said, releasing his grasp from my hand. I slowly peeled my eyes open, revealing the small school in front of my eyes.

"This... T-this is our, elementary school..." I said in disbelief. I searched everywhere for this address, but I couldn't find it. The rustic bricks stared back at me, with exhaustion.

"Mrs. Locklear's class," Link mumbled. I looked over at him. His hair swooped up, with the occasional strand sticking to his forehead. His glasses were perched at the top of his nose.

I remember meeting this dork in the first grade, becoming friends right away. I remember recording stupid interviews on cassette tapes when we were six. I remember having to cringe as I watched him slow dance with his first date at the prom, while I faked I was having fun with my date. I remember begging I hadn't lost my love after he crashed his skis, as he repeated to me he was just coming to, evidentially he hurt his left hip. I remember being his best man at his wedding, and him being mine. I remember being the third person to hold Lily, and he was the third to hold Locke.

I remember he was the first person I loved.

My trembling hands worked on their own, grabbing his face. His scruff scratched the edge of my lips, as I leaned in and kissed him.

What are you doing?

What about Jessie? What about Christy? Your kids?

Not only have you just ruined your life, you've just ruined his too.

I quickly pulled away, ending an all too perfect kiss.

"R-rhett," Link said, stumbling back.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. Link reached for my hand, but I pulled away. I needed away from him, I needed away from this. I needed away from me.

I darted into the cornfield behind the school, running as fast as I could.

"Rhett! Wait!" I could hear Link call behind me.

I pushed through stalks of corn, searching around. I should be feeling something, anything, but all I felt was pure panic and adrenaline pumping through my veins.

My foot tugged on a cornstalk, barricading me from taking another step. Instead, I was thrown towards the ground, hurdling towards the dry, crumbled dirt.

An invisible knife was stabbed into my back, as I carefully opened my eyes.

Link's footsteps came nearer. I shifted my weight to face him.

He crouched down to meet my eyes, I felt like a child.

"Rhett, why are you-"

"I can't love you! I can't love you Link Neal, I can't!" I yelled at him, hot tears threatening to fall. Link's warm hands grabbed onto mine, trying to comfort me.

"Rhett, please," Link tried to say.

He hates you. You've ruined it for him.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, even though it wouldn't make a difference.

"Rhett, I l-love you," Link whispered back to me.

He's so broken, you've ruined him.

"Link please, you can't love me, I can't love you," I tried to explain.

"Why not?" he asked. A spherical tear ran down his cheek.

Great, now look what you did, you've made him cry.

"You have Christy! And what-what about Lily, Lincoln, Lando. A-and I have Jessie," I shouted at him, getting louder and louder with every word. Every time I raised my voice, Link flinched, but I couldn't lower it.

"Rhett," Link whispered, placing his warm hand on my cheek.

He's not listening, it's all over for the both of you.

"YOU CAN'T LOVE ME!" I hissed, forcefully. Link stumbled away from me, and I quickly stood up, ignoring the sharp pain in my back.

"Rhett, stop," Link demanded.

"I ruined our friendship, your life, mine..." I began to sob. I couldn't handle this right now, I want to go home.

"We've been friends for 33 years Rhett, one kiss can't ruin that or our lives," Link said sarcastically.

"33 years down the drain," I mumbled to him.

"Don't talk like that," he snapped.

"Just leave me alone," I muttered, through gritted teeth.

"No, Rhett," Link persisted, following behind me.

"God damn it Link, leave me alone right now," I barked. He stared at me for while, before turning to leave.

So now I'm here, alone in a cornfield, unsure of how to exit.


Can't Fall in Love With You ✧ RhinkWhere stories live. Discover now