Home Sweet Home

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I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. I was getting impatient, we've been flying for at least an hour now. We needed to land soon.

This trip back home wasn't as fun as the ride up here. It was quiet, and awkward. Link is still shaken up at my disappearance yesterday, but that whole episode is over. We should be back to being friends. It should be normal again.

But it's not.

The usual "fasten your seatbelts" speech called over the intercom, so we were landing. Good. I couldn't take one more second of this.

Link and I scurried off of the plane as quickly as we could, collecting our bags, and getting out of there. I drove quickly, gripping onto the steering wheel so tight, my knuckles turned white.

"Rhett?" Link asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I asked, focusing on the road once again.

"You alright? You look kinda pale," he said, brushing his fingers over my forehead. Butterflies danced around in my stomach, I wanted to vomit them up.

"I'm fine, just excited to get home," I lied.

I dropped Link off at his house. Christy's car was gone, so the kids must've been at Stevie's, again.

"Call me when you get home safe, okay?" Link asked, gathering his stuff.

"Okay," I said, smiling weakly at him. I only lived a couple of blocks away, not like I'd get in a car accident or anything.

I drove away, avoiding potholes, entering my driveway.

Christy's car was here, she and Jessie must've been having another girls day.

I turned the knob, stepping inside.

"I'm home!" I called out. I expected Locke and Shepard to come running out to greet me, I expected Jessie to plant a soft kiss on my lips.

I expected not walking in on my wife having an affair with my best friend's wife on my couch.

Jessie's eyes immediately filled with tears. Christy jumbled her words, begging me not to tell Link. Trying to explain, claiming we could work this out. They continued to blurt out excuses, aplogies, bargains, pleas.

This is too much.

I finally moved out of my statue state. I carefully placed my bag on the ground, and opened my mouth to say words.

My own voice sounded foreign to me, shaking, threatening to cut out.

"Where are the kids?" I finally asked.

"S-stevie's," Jessie whispered.

"Okay," I simply said. I turned to leave, but Christy stopped me.

"Rhett, wait," she begged. I turned my head to face her, not saying a word.

"W-what are you...?" she asked.

"I'm going out... We'll talk about this later," I said, procrastinating on my own life. I shut the door gently behind me.

I hopped into my car, starting the engine, wiping blurry tears out of my eyes.

I quickly sped through the streets, stomping on my brakes, almost hitting a pedestrian.

I finally pulled into his driveway.

I ran to his door, pounding on it.

"Rhett?" Link asked.

A hot tear crawled out of the corner of my eye, as I practically cradled Link's head in my large hands. I pulled him close to me, gently brushing my lips against his.

I pulled away.

"I'm s-sorry... Is t-this okay?" I asked. This is the second time I've kissed him without his permission.

Link pushed his lips against mine this time.

"Yes, it's perfect."

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